Thank you, I appreciate you checking and posting this.

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I suppose you think you deserve better!

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You can count on corporations in situations like this tho.

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Great idea! I love seafood!

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I don't like food that bites back.

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DUH, start at the other end.

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I was at the Pittsburgh protest on Saturday and I was masked and gloved up as was my family, but so many people weren't. We didn't feel safe even though the protests were peaceful. God forbid the tragedy of George Floyd's death will cause a spike in Covid cases because that will compound the tragedy. As for these pigs who own these plants, hopefully there's a Hell so they can be roasted on a spit for eternity.

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Carnivore from birth, but for the last 14 months I've been a pescetarian - ovo-lacto vegetarian plus seafood. No land animals. As long as I have salmon, I don't miss meat. And I've made a lot of great vegan meals: soup, chili, greek salad (with homemade tofu feta cheese.) Lost a few pounds, but feel so much better.

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The both portrayed a pretty hellish vibe.

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Slaveholders never went to church. Known fact.

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great explainer here. especially about trump's executive order to release these places for liabilityhttps://www.youtube.com/wat...

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Why would you EVER live in texass

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And they're predicting a wild hurricane season. Move over murder hornets and cannibal rats!

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I was born here and never left.

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I don't eat anything that is largely sugar. Unfortunately that includes most fruit regardless of source. Sadly it's one of the easier things I do. Not eating bread-- now that's hard!

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How is it that the food processing industry is the one industry in America that hasn't been automated out the wazoo?

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