Walk-in bathtubs.

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There's always Craig.

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Clean technology is now more uses in the world. There are more people are like to use more new tools to clean. So i hope this post helps them so more about this.

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not like you could, anyways, given that wonket doesn't allow comments

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The worst part is the modern tendency to expect everything new to work perfectly instantly or else it is deemed a failure the next day. We've become a nation of spoiled children who demand instant gratification or we whine and pout

remember when airplanes were new and had a bad habit of falling out of the sky? remember when the space program was in its infancy and rockets tended to blow up on the launch pad? remember how the rollout of railroads were totally smooth and glitch free (not)?

From the invention of the automobile to the advent of electricity to every other significant advance in technology, the story has ALWAYS been about a bumpy beginning and growing pains as the technology matures and advances are made. I guess we never should have bothered with any of these other technical marvels either, right Leslie? Just declare them all DOA instantly if they aren't 100% perfect immediately, amirite? The real problem isn't clean tech, it's that we've gone from being a can-do country to being a nation of pessimistic whiners and a good deal of the blame for that is the 24/7 negativity spewing from the hacks of the fourth estate.

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in Oklahoma

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but not the teal belt...

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This is bad news for Ed Murrow.

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Hey kids! Let's put on a news show. We can make our own costumes and build a stage in my folks' barn. All we need is someone to write some catchy stories. Is Shia LaBeouf available?

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The stopwatch is sooo retro. And not in an ironic hip way. More in "we haven't checked on how journalizm works since 1979" kinda way.

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<i>In fact, the Atlantic Wire reported last year that this one program successfully shepherded 28 companies with clean energy projects creating over 20,000 jobs — with a net cost to the public that will either end up being very low or zero. DOE projects that all of its clean energy loan programs taken together will generate some 55,000 jobs.</i>

Yeah, well that's <i>your</i> opinion.

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it gets better <a href="http://gawker.com/did-the-6..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://gawker.com/did-the-60-minutes-benghazi-hoa...">http://gawker.com/did-the-6...

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CBS- the network where you CBS

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