It's always heartbreaking to lose people to senselessness and Idk about the rest but weren't the ones in Seattle standing in the middle of the freeway at 1:30am with no reflective gear? Seems like there would be an implicit risk of getting run over IMO

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Far from it. Being prepared means being aware that a car may come your way while you’re in a large group, and acting accordingly if it happens.

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May their memory always be a blessing.

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This is not the only thing, it is none of the things. Which you said better than me, I'm agreeing w/you, 100%.

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Gosh, Nikkki! He really gave a hundred and thirty thousand Americans some serious rest and peace!

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The protest outside my apartment said her name and had a moment of silence to her memory.

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Sorry. *hugs* Similar to my brother, also gone.

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I see law enforcement have been learning from terrorists, next thing you know they will put explosives in the cars that run over protesters.

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"If you can't beat them...."

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I have long hair, and I have literally been stopped and questioned about marijuana while walking home in the middle of a sunny day. Ran my license and everything.

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Thank you for this surprising and scary essay. Summer Taylor's family has set up a gofundme in their honor for funeral, etc. expenses. If it does not violate a wonkette anti-spam policy, I will post a link to the site. Other victims' families may have such needs as well.

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The link is https://www.gofundme.com/f/... -- warning, it'll break your heart, since there is a version one written while they were hospitalized, and a version two written after their passing.

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That I can magically deploy 200 feet away from me, towards a speeding vehicle.

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Fuck off, crook.

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Even when I had short hair, the "Enjoy Cocaine" bumpersticker in a Coca-Cola font on my rear window seemed to lead to increased police curiosity.

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Up until recently I followed a few of the motorcycle groups on FB as, despite being more than half blind and therefore a non-driver, I really love motorcycles, especially Harleys. I've stopped following almost all of them after seeing almost all of the other people on there encouraging the ramming of protesters with cars/bikes. It makes me incredibly sad as every biker I've ever met here in the UK has been lovely, I used to ride my horse out on the roads regularly when I was younger and they were the only ones who passed us with any kind of consideration. I'm hoping that these RWNJs are not a true representation of the biker community, if they are then my enjoyment of that culture has been brought to a very abrupt end.

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