As a gardener I have to say that I have noted that all of my garden plants are reality based. And we all know that reality has a liberal bias. So, smarter and more liberal.

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Throw in a couple of creationists and you could convert it into a hyperdrive in no time.

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'Trumpers en der Sturm' might be more accurate.

Have a great day!

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I wish someone would have grabbed her tank and beat the Trump-cretin with it.

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"cunt-faced motherfucking jizz-guzzling shithead" is definitely my preferred word for Trump. More up-votes to you, kind sir (or ma'am!)

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When can we expect Wonkette to post a retraction as the old woman is an activist working for a group connected to the Democratic party?

First she said “He stopped in his tracks, and he turned around and just cold-cocked me.” Now, Teter states that “it’s possible that he could have struck her with his backhand.”

This conspiracy against Team Trump and this elderly Trump supporter was uncovered by Project Veritas.

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No, no, don't be chinzy, give him a whole PITCHER. And some to take home (FREE of course) to the lovely 'melanomia'.

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People are reacting to Hillary Clinton's use of the word "deplorable" as if she'd said something like "cunt-faced motherfucking jizz-guzzling shithead" instead. Sure, that's basically what she meant, but at least she used the decorum we expect of a presidential candidate, unlike some other deplorable people I can think of...

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I was thinking the same thing. Since when do the police have to witness an event in order to make an arrest? That doesn't even make any sense.

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Evil. The final frontier.

These are the Tales of The Deploreanauts. Their unending mission: to revive ancient evils and drag everyone else down to their level. To seek out new evil and make it part of our everyday world. To boldly sin where no one has sinned before!

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No, sometimes it happens in Florida!

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Milk thistle extract.

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Some Trump surrogate is going to tell you you have to apologize for that comment .

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