Court expansions have generally been infrequent and modest. It's been 150 years since a seat was "added" (actually just restored) to SCOTUS. Circuits (and to the extent I looked, Districts) pick up maybe one or two additional Art III judges every 25 - 50 years. This will work against expansion because the GOP will appear somewhat reasonable when they shriek that expansion is "radical." IMO an expansion proposal is also likely to lead to splitting the 9th and making one (or two) new and much more conservative Circuits, which could backfire badly.

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But first make sure your state doesn't have some fuckery about you dropped it in the wrong precinct / district / county / whatever.

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That's correct. The sizes of courts is a statutory issue. However, such votes are subject to the filibuster, whuch requires 60 vores for cloture.Should the Dems take the Senate, the caucus would include up to 10 moderate/conservative senators. They might not even have enough votes to kill the filibuster. Plus, Mr Biden is so-so on increasing SCOTUS numbers.

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underground railroad to Canada for abortions.

They will make it illegal, and they will imprison women and doctors. I've caught glimpses of it in a lot of proposed bills. They can't do anything if you weren't on US soil, and safer for doctors, too.

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So much for leading the free world

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Democrats better be able to expand the supreme court after 2020 or we are in some serious trouble now.

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Why not? Who's Ms Croft?

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I bet you're right. Even the RC Church never discussed abortion till the US opened up to immigrants and there was lots of room for new Catholics to spread out. Then they disapproved so much!

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I'm really tired of those pictures.

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Then we're screwed. If the courts can't be packed then nothing else matters. Republicans with their partisan judges will kill everything Democrats do by court fiat..

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Nope - the nuttier ones will immediately introduce a bill to make it illegal everywhere. See, you can't spend several decades screaming "abortion is murder!!!11!!" only to then go "meh, state's issue - we're OK with some deciding murder is OK". The true believers - and there's more and more every day - cannot accept that logic and will try to force it back to a federal issue via Congressional action.

Anyone hoping "state's rights" will save blue states clearly doesn't understand what they mean by the term.

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Problem is, there's too many that actually bought their BS instead of understanding the "wink, wink, it's for votes" crap. Older Repubs get that this was to con the fundies of money and support but nearly half a century of propaganda has created a generation that huffs their own farts. They think it's murder, no allowance for the "compassion exceptions" and want to make personhood a thing despite the utter legal clusterf*ck it would create. They think they're God's Warriors - not politicians selling a concept.

Right now there's enough of them in power to push back and force some of their more insane ideas and what the rest of the GOP gonna do - *not* vote for fetal personhood after talking about how life begins at conception? Allow states to decide if abortion is legal and admit it's only "murder" if the political party in power says it is?

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So explain it to me. Because I can't figure out what the hell you are talking about.

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I'd hope so, but with Moscow Mitch in charge there are no guarantees, right?

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Are we all going to die in the streets fighting Gilead?

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I do mine at my desktop, so not sure how that works.

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