This is some good news. Things have changed so much even during my relatively short live so far

If only we could pass the Equality Act to give the LGBTQ community more protections.

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I am an old person and a girlfriend of my daughter transitioned a few years back. First time I saw him was a bit jarring. I had to work to act like nothing changed, which I suppose was akward. I did let him know he has my full support. Why should we deny anyone's happiness just because they are different from the so called normal?

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Update on blackbird babbies! https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Dick cakes for everyone (except wingnuts, just more urinal cakes)!

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Buttfuckin’ legos? Everything is indeed awesome!

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Are they singing in the dead of night?

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Normal is highly overrated

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But what about al those people that married their dogs and cats? Wait, no, that didn’t happen either. Guess they made that stupid and offensive argument for no reason

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70 PERCENT of Americans are fine with marriage equality, including 55 PERCENT of Republicans.

So who's winning the culture war again?

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If anything it’s a reminder to not be afraid to make the right but unpopular decision and stand by it.

Polls can change.

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Enough for a pie?

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This makes me happy. I've always liked the gays - especially as a highly-organized group of well-dressed legal operatives who worked within a shitbag system to make real, positive, meaningful change to a society that desperately needs all the help it can get when it comes to accepting love.

Team Gays.

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I also saw a really cute LGBTQ couple at the amusement park. I couldn’t tell you if they were gay, genderfluid, trans, any of the above, but I liked their style.

Sadly, they too, were shitty about masking.

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As I enjoy my senior years I have few regrets, but one is that as a young man I did not choose to pursue the gay lifestyle when the time came for me, like everyone must, to choose to be gay or straight. It would have been a tough choice because back then there was a strong "straight lifestyle" lobby, and there was a bit of peer pressure; the gays at that point weren't really having a lot of fun.But now gays are having all the fun, and I feel a bit left out. My wife of 39 years feels much the same, and says she'd go lesbian in a heartbeat if it wasn't for that Duke on Bridgerton.Anyway, happy Pride, wish we were there... :-)

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Almost 13 years ago: https://uploads.disquscdn.c... https://uploads.disquscdn.c... https://uploads.disquscdn.c... And this morning: https://uploads.disquscdn.c... Rest in power, Rex. You were small in body, but not in spirit.

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