I was a kid in the 70s. My dad was a staunch republican and misogynist and I remember him ranting about no men AND women's bathrooms if we pass the ERA.

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When conservatives like Ted Cruz oppose drafting women, they use language that implies ownership: “our wives, our daughters, our mothers.” Or they claim to advocate opening the draft to women only because they think they’ll catch feminists in an act of hypocrisy, and it backfires on them.

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Frankly, if we're going to keep the draft, I don't see a reason why women shouldn't be included. Why is my son more suited for cannon fodder than the girl next door? #equalmeansequal

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And we've kind of got that now. Besides bathrooms in homes, Starbucks and many other biz have unisex water closets. Also, no draft, although 18 years olds still have to register, afaik.

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And let's not forget that the current Republican party says that giving health care to poor people is making them SLAVES OF THE GOVERNMENT by taking away their Trump-given right to go bankrupt for an illness.

And the link below is the story of one of thoserrefusing to become a SLAVE OF THE GOVERNMENT although at $55K I'm not sure he's considered "poor".


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I've read a number of the old anti-woman-suffrage arguments and elaborations thereon. basically they all boiled down to "Wimmins in politics, oh noes, horrors; the feminine mind is incalculable; we will haz CHAOS! Also too, women will leave their babbies and run around on the street campaigning for office instead of making nice dinner for hubz! EeeK!" Misogynistic old fucks.

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When the deadline passed without success, it was one of the two most radicalizing moments of my life. I felt like my country was telling me I don't matter... I'm not worth including or protecting. It felt like people like me were going to be ignored and left out forever.

For a while afterwards, I made it a point to remind people how often women were left out. Oh, you say our founders believed in democracy? For men, sure. Oh, you say we ended slavery? For men, sure. Oh, you say baseball looks like America? Its men's room, maybe. You claim the Consititution protects our rights? If we're men, sure. You say in America, anyone can grow up to be president? If they're men, sure.

I don't give a shit that the ERA itself won't end discrimination, or that there will be more legal battles to fight for inclusion and equality. Bring it. We've been dealing with that since forever.

What I care about is that our Constitution reflects that 51% of the population really is included in the People. That we're seen. That our rights matter. That the Constitution has an explicit statement that our rights exist... and don't have to be extrapolated or assumed or implied.

Get this fucker ratified.

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Back in the mid-70's I wrote a piece in a local paper opposed to Ms. Schlafly and her extremist views, especially of the ERA. I lived in a conservative area and, boy, I wish I'd saved some of the thoughtful, eloquent, rational responses I received. They ranged from humorous to terrifying to downright life threatening. (Good to know the right has stuck to their brand all these years.) But, I digress. Robin states that nearly 3/4 of Americans support the ERA and only 4 percent are vehemently opposed. Given those percentages, we can rest assured that our duly elected legislators, who are elected to reflect the will of their constituents, will certainly either a) fail to act on passing the ERA or b) flat out vote against it. The will of the people means nothing to those in power. The will of those who bribe them with big money contributions is all that counts. I believe that is the aforementioned 4 percent.

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"Plus it would make the ghost of Phyllis Schlafly positively furious."

Along with her niece, Suzanne Venker.

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Yes, we owe this to ourselves. Ta, Robyn.

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Your entire constitutional system is fucking bonkers, just FYI. It's so utterly insane and the whole thing should burned to the ground and started over.

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Share hospital rooms with men? Horrors! I remember when we sometimes had to take beds in the hospital corridors shared with hundreds of passersby. Shared rooms could be a luxury. When I was hospitalized to give birth, my female roommate had a chain-smoking habit that made our "private" toilet totally carcinogenic. I would have traded her for a non-smoking (or at least, rule-abiding) man in a minute.

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That was the only way she could do it, what a toxic waste-person.

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Both men and women are drafted in Israel.Having a vagina is no impediment to threatening Palestinian grandmas with market produce at armed checkpoints.

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Her grave will never be soaked enough with piss.

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I'm confused about RBG's opposition. Apparently, she thinks we should start over because of the timeline. This doesn't seem very convincing to me.

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