Like they're holding down the B button.

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I respect him more in drag.

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I can't wait to hear the Bernie Bros pick up this line and start running with it.

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Its got to be projection, Giuliani probably pulls out too early all the time..

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Oh good, so we can look forward to this line of 'argument' cropping up over and over from now until November then. You know, if she really did all of the things she's accused of doing, I'd be out there stumping for her right now because she's obviously an evil fricking genius.

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ISIS is George W Bush's illegitimate baby.

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Now THAT is goddam lie.

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Another one that should be posted 24/7 in Times Square!

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So it was Hillary who invaded the wrong country at about this time in 2003?

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Take comfort in this loser's complete irrelevance.

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"that let Maliki run Iraq into the ground, so you forced the Shiites to make a choice..."

The loser obviously had the real analysis explained to him but forgot all the important bits. It IS true that a crucial factor in the rise of ISIS has been US tolerance for the Iranian-backed, Shi'ite-supremacist Maliki regime in Iraq, leading to some of Saddam's hatchetmen creating a force appealing to the oppressed Sunnis on the grounds of murderous reverse-religious-bigotry, hence ISIS. All of which is the consequence of established policy under Dubya (although frankly Barry and Hillz should have stopped it, but never mind.) And remind me what Giuliani thought about wrecking Iraq in the first place again?

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Will it be next to the burger bar named after Bobby Sands?

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ISIS is (are?) the Sunni security forces who were unceremoniously dumped after Sadam's fall from power. We used to call them the Insurgency. Too bad we let them all keep their guns and all the munitions they stole after we pulled the rug out from under them.

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So Hillary is why California has such a pretty landscape? After we elect her President can we repeal the two-term limit?

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Right? I can't fathom where she'd find the time to do all the voodoo they say she do

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Well, former Ba'athist hatchetmen were the BACKBONE of the group that became ISIS, but it's not entirely them; nor to lump all the "Insurgency" under that banner. That would include Shi'ite, Kurdish, and your average just plain Iraqi who wants freedom varieties, not just ultra-Sunni nutbars.

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