Aww, happy anniversary you two! Boy, I remember that whirlwind romance well. So lovely!

Here is your hed gif source of the day, lions discovering a "hidden" camera: https://open.substack.com/pub/martiniambassador/p/catnip-camera?r=angu9&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

And your meme chat area: https://open.substack.com/chat/posts/f55db383-3bb8-40eb-aa94-2e1bf544bb3a

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That was one expensive cat toy.

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Yet another great gif, and I ain’t lion.

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The TABS gif reminded me of watching a pair of lions at the zoo. The male lion was just chillin', lookin' all King 'o Beasts and stuff, and the lioness found a rock she wanted to play with. This rock was bigger than a basketball, but she was swatting it around like it was a nerf ball, trying so hard to get Mr. Cool to play. But he was all like, "girrrrl, you smack that thing at me one more time and I'ma smack you upside the head. I'm busy posing, m'kay?" She finally literally lobbed it at his head, which got him on his feet, but he still wouldn't play. She was very disappointed.

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Thank you for that gif. I can't stop watching it.

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How was someone brave enough to set up a camera in the lions' hangout?

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During the day, they are all out hunting, hiding in grasses and such. But yeah, Huge balls.

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All teh Kittehs!

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I like that kitties often carry around the things they find. They have found that thing and now they own that thing. And then the moment arrives when they no longer care to carry that thing around anymore and they just drop it and move on. They once owned that thing but now it is toooooo much work to carry that thing. They just leave that thing, broken and useless, to lay in the dirt while the kitty searches for a new thing to carry around.

Somehow, there is a metaphorical lesson here for JD Vance.

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Too much baggage to drop?

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How long Shady Vance is dropped by Donnie Dipshit? I'm thinking 11pm on November 5th.

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If we see Trump taking Kennedy to his rallies, we'll know the reality. Though it could just as well be Tulsi Gabbard, depends on the will of Putin.

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Sep 4
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Donnie will say, "That's fine, let him preside over the Senate. I don't have to let him in the cabinet meetings." Except Donnie doesn't know enough about the Constitution to say that...

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When I was a little kid, like many New Yorkers we went to the Catskills for the summer, to the "Bungalow Colonies". Ours had the humorous in retrospect name "Blue Paradise", and they showed movies, preceded by a cartoon, with a projector in the "casino" every week. I remember none of them other than "Born Free" and seeing this hed gif brought that memory back along with that ear worm of a theme song.


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I remember this. The mothers and the children went and the fathers came up on the weekends. Somewhere (and it’s too late and I’m too tired to look for it) I have a very old, faded color photo of me, sitting on the porch of our bungalow in the Catskills.

Many years later, I worked at a camp for overprivileged children also in the Catskills. Near where the Concord used to be.

Good times.

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And now I've gone down the memory hole and found some pictures of the place; I think I was present off camera when that slide picture was taken


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Wonderful little story!

We did the same thing for 2 months, up in Crawford Notch of the White Mountains. When we weren't at summer camp for 2 months. Same commuting dad thing.

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You've just awakened a memory of when I attended the Friday night kids movie at the local YMCA. Typically it was something like "Born Free" or one of those Disney animal movies with the great voiceover narration ("Wellll, along about this time, Mr. Beaver got tired of gnawin' on tha tree and decided to go walk hisself across the new dam").

Anyway, on this particular unforgettable evening for a 6-year-old, the lights went off, and the film came on, and the title was "The Fly," which I thought was weird, because nature documentary about flies? But then it started with a guy putting his giant ugly head into a giant press to crush himself to death, and thus began a whole year of being unable to sleep without the lights on.

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For me the creepiest part of that film is the fly, with a human head and arm, caught in the spider web begging for help.

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David Hedison!

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Definitely nightmare inducing.

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Yep. Help me, Im Phillipe!

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In later years, I wound up being buddies with allll the musicians up there, as the whole scene was slowly dying out. As you must know, there was a LOT of heavyweight jazz talent up there, even until the end.

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My father, who was fond of singing alternative lyrics, sang “Born free, without any money…”

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Exhusband: Born free, my father's a doctor

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Amazing how many people believe that a camera is a suit of armor.

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Careful with that Pentax, Eugene.

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"Hey, Leo! This looks valuable. Do you think I could paw'n it?"

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Happy anniversary, Trix and Shy!

All your Tabs gifs are good ones, but you outdid yourself with this one, Martini. Bravo!

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Amazing job today. Being creative is fucking hard work.

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"I hate the act of writing, but I love having written". I've quoted this a hundred times, and can never remember who said it. Dorothy Parker? Bueller? Bueller??

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Confirming Dorothy Parker

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THANK you. I don't know why I have a mental block about remembering that. Christ, I remember things from when I was 2.

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Thank you!

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Rowr! Tastes like cannon

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Cannon Films? So cheese?

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Tastes leica chicken.

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ISWYDT, and I lick it!

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My wife and I married on the 25th Anniv. of our 1st date, 10/10/85 - 10/10/10. (we were not together for 16 of those in between years), so: Miracle! Happy Anniversary to you and Shy !!!

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Happy anniversary, the youngest, skinniest, most beautiful couple who ever lived! (Okay, you broke my heart Rebecca, but I couldn't possibly begrudge you two the happiness you found in each other. And I can't think when I've been as happy and proud to be a member of a community as the day little Trixel joined the world. Surely the outpouring of love on that day shifted the balance of the world to push back the darkness and make us all better people.) I hope you know how much what you do here means to us.

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National Novel Writing Month's disgusting decision means every upload writers make-- usually multiple times a week or more often-- with their new manuscripts means now the AI owners know who they're stealing from. Every time.

But the writers don't know if, how often, or what subsequently happens to their own stolen words-- theoretically still protected by copyright law since 1976.

We already know how good AI is at law.

And how little inventors think of creators they steal from.

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Please do find that tweet…..I need another horrified guffaw.

Happy anniversary!

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« Young and skinny « ? But you don’t say « rich. » You have to have all three.

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Boil your milk, people ! Even when the cow is clean and nice.

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There's a cute couple! Many happy returns!

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Until the Supreme Court allows guns in their courtroom they are the worlds biggest hypocrites.

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Where in the Constitution does it say that subways have to let guns on? Or, one begs to ask, anything at all about subways?

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Oh c'mon! I'm sure they had sandwiches!

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We're dealing with "strict constructionists" here! The words better be there, and spelled right!

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Who would have ever thought that allowing guns on the subway would lead to four murders; except like everybody.

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Most, but not all, dogs play fetch, while cats do so more often than thought | Ars Technica


> About 4 in 10 cats and nearly 8 in 10 dogs like to play fetch, especially males.

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When I smoked, the tin foil in the cigarette package, all balled up, was my cat's favourite thing to fetch.

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Ugh, Larry Householder. I hope he stays in jail as long as possible. That bribery plot involved several other people (a few indicted, two of which have committed suicide), and left Ohio holding the bag on a horrible bill he shoved through using the bribe money, and that neither the legislature nor the governor has any interest in repealing. Larry helped gerrymander Ohio into a lopsided Republican mess, and the legislature has repeatedly ignored all voter efforts to fix that. And to top it all off, he attended his court dates wearing a suit with a succession of stupid caps, I guess in an effort to portray himself as just some good ole boy gentleman farmer or something, instead of a bloated, corrupt money-grubbing chucklehead.

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> Oh hey, it’s the tenth anniversary of the first day of Shy’s and my first date! (Our date was 24 days long, the 24th day of which I moved in with him in Montana from LA. It was a good date.) HI SHYYYYY HIIII.

MOLOTV!!! 🍾🥂💞

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LOVE TO YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!

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So I was doing some filing, the metal kind, and the rhythm and the rasping sound of steel-on-steel got into my head and I knew it from somewhere... Then it hit me like an axe head that needed some file-work: How Soon is Now by The Smiths! I wonder if that's what they were going for now...


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Metal Machine Music

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Happiness for all and congratulations for Shy, a Manly Man with Staying Power! And all blessings for Donna Rose!

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