Why do WE own a bad photo of a candle surrounded by a Slinky ™ ?

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Beth, Thank for the undercover snark reporting. I'm grateful you did this for us, otherwise some of us would be facing assault charges now.

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And look what they did to HIM!

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Oh, come on. Who hasn't?

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It was Mussolini that made the trains run on time.

German trains already ran on time. Or else.

Edit -- Oh, great. I could read the last damn comment, I suppose.

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Capitol Flea Market Libel!

You have have some patience.

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You have perfectly expressed my reaction.

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Don't get me started about the "Patriots".

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So, Beth (if I may call you that), since you were there, how many of these dingbats were actually present? A thousand? Your photos would suggest a few hundred, but it can be hard to capture a diffuse group in one photo.

Just curious. Living near the Left Coast, I never get to personally experience the charms of life in D.C.

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All the while Obammy was watching the Patriots comeback and beat the Saints coincidence these teams played on the same day of the march.No way it was a hidden message against the Christians and Obammy set it all up.What a Muslin!!!

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Obama doesn't own the arc reactor?

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And their car radios only receive Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh.

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These peoples' fantasy lives match anything Hollywood could come up with.

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They hate Federalism because it's not feudal enough.

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They wouldn't be he first famly pets to be "pre-approved" for a credit card.

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Meh . . . no worries. You need balls to use a cannon.

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