You and me both.

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It's all that ozone. Interferes with normal brain waves.

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It's the yarn.

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I like how one 'article' talks about Colombine killers as subscribing to 'survival of the fittest' without paying heed to the glaring lack of survival of protagonists, the killers obviously needed better education on the concept.

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Multidimensional derp.

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Ted Nugent "Legendary Rock Star"As if.

Dianne Black apparently grocery stops at a truck stop.

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Ted Nugent "Legendary Rock Star"As if.

Dianne Black apparently grocery shops at a truck stop.

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Oh Disqus, you're so silly.

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And then there's the pesky problem of the other twenty million or so you need to beef up the rest of your lifestyle.

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Right! And don't forget the plastic surgery.

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Gun porn, that's the real cause.

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Kinda makes you wonder where she does her grocery shopping.

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“Pornography, it’s available, it’s available on the shelf when you walk in the grocery store,”

Grocery store? Shelf??? Someone please teach Grandma how to use the computer.

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Guns like long walks and sunshine.

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