True. But that seems like a case of a few good apples in a big basket of completely rotten ones.

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All my brothers wrestled, but the closest I was allowed to get was to manage the team and keep score. I was at EVERY practice, which is more than I could say for some of the guys on the team, and I ran with them, even though I wasn't allowed on the mat (except to referee).

Every time I mentioned that I wished I could actually participate, people would lose their minds because ewwwww. Apparently, touching girls bodies in a non-sextual way was unimaginable to them.

At least I was spared the kind of condescending sexism I faced at 8 years old when I tried to sign up for baseball and was told "girls can't play baseball, but I'm sure there's a nice girls' softball league you can join."

That was half a century ago, but I still get irritated thinking about it. Bitch, if I'd wanted to play softball, I'd have asked to play softball.

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Well, you've heard of shark fin suits..

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I will die on Kentucky fried hill.

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Thats the problem when your ideology is a minority so you cheat your way to control the seats of power but then people make up their own minds anyway. Any rebellion you foster is against yourself and you'd lose against the majority.

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I only steal from the best, or try to.

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Medical people say they don't give a shit about identity they just need bio birth info. When I'm asked how many pregnancies I've had, I include the abortions not because I feel like sharing but because its about my medical health.

But that biological information isn't supposed to be public and neither case should be political. Any discussion of 'womanhood' is about psychological/cultural identity, which is completely different. The minute you start trying to put up a wall based on commonalities, you get exceptions, and then the elite group who have everything in common.

Maybe we will eventually see sexual identity on a sliding scale just as we have begun to accept sexual orientation as a sliding scale.

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Sugar free Krunch Klondike bars are my guilt free pleasure.

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Wouldn't it be more accurate to set a testosterone level? You must have a level below this much to qualify for official placing, or its considered like steroid use? I'd prefer scientific standards to arbritrary 'this is a woman, this isn't' identity wars.

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Even than you can't cheat your way to power when you start openly endorsing things that are political suicide and at the rate we're going, open opposition to LGBT rights is going to become political suicide in the next couple decades. Already significantly more than sixty percent of Americans support things like marriage equality, and groups like One Million Bigoted Loser Moms, can't get children's shows off the air that feature same sex couples. That's something that only a decade ago would have been unthinkable.

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Thank you, you put it much better than I was able to.

I, too, count abortions because the question is how many pregnancies, not how many live births, right?

I don't see why we can't eventually accept identity on a sliding scale, hopefully sooner than later.

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Look at the flip side for all these faux homophobes: now they can keep their secret male lovers and prostitutes on the payroll.

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It looks like all of these people are just going to have to find something else to make them feel good about themselves.

Anything that makes Ben Shapiro feel good about himself is inherently delusional.

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Actually, what I think what he's saying is that the things Republican donors (and to some extent, Democratic donors as well) want destroy the things that small town folks prize.

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A friend who is an engineer at Google transitioned some five years ago and when she announced it to members of her team, another woman in the group asked her "Are you ready for the 15% salary cut?"

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