Syria is Fredo's drunk wife in "Godfather Part 2."

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Who are these yammering shrikes?

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i knew you were a wise woman.

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yeah. they're more like the line of banquo: infuriating, pretentious and never ending.

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putin has moobs.

that is all.

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They are small, carnivorous, hookbilled scavanger birds.

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Fuckwits, the lot of 'em.

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I'm glad I read this article last- the piss poor excuse for press we have in this country is shameful. They're nothing but a bunch of lemmings chasing whatever meme the punditocracy has decided to run with in lieu of actually being journalists and figuring out the truth. The whole lot of them are blathering about lifelines and Putin bailing out Bamz because they are lazy fucks who have not bothered to use their brains in so long that their critical thinking skills have atrophied into a pile of goo sloshing around inside their heads. Stupid morons have no idea what is really going on, and have instead decided to simply once again parrot the GOP talking points on an important story.

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Did I say anything about her age? It's the attitude.

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Dame Peggy can go fuck herself. And that is because no one else would want to.

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...these people have never seen a drawn out, protracted, sectarian civil war that they didn't want to drunkenly stumble into! So unless Obama turns the entire Middle East into a piss stained, radioactive parking lot it makes him a pussy.

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...here are the Republican talking points for the options on the table:

-Bomb Syria = <strong>Dictator who doesn't listen to Congress</strong>

-Don't bomb Syria = <strong>What a pussy!!!</strong>

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