Motherfuckers are <em>trained</em> to bite.

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Guess that kid's got 100 problems.

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very calm and polite?

Well shit, I try to be (or at least appear) calm and polite when faced with a power deranged moran who's packing a loaded attack dog.

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Or "slaughterhouses of the imagination," <i>à la Flaubert.</i>

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Officer Friendly sure has stepped up his game since I was a tot.

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Whence his sudden stance on obstructing nominations.

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They'll help you identify the really good stuff?

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It was designed in the modern Storage Unit Style that was all the rage for awhile.

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It is a food product, after all.

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<i>"...a student walked up to a police motorcycle and pulled the trigger on an AR-15 rifle mounted to the bike"</i>

Good thing he didn't also fire the surface-to-air missiles mounted on the handle bars. Or spray the anti-pursuit oil slick out the rear lights. Obviously the scrapes suffered by one student was due to the ejection seat.

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In New London, CT, a court just upheld the right of the police dept. to not hire applicants whose IQ was too high.

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If I had a dog bite every one of my college students who didn't follow instructions, the dog would be almost toothless by the end of the semester. But apparently it's cool when that happens to an 11-year-old.

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Common sense - how does it work?

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Perhaps the kids are being groomed for the day when a Republican congressman sniffs their legs?

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I sort of thought dogs were trained to signal the presence of drugs, not the presence of squirming. Good to know.

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Police Chief Clint McQueen? Really? Are we sure he's not the "queen" of the police force? Does he have a brazilian? Who wants to check?

I'm struggling to imagine what sort of situation would require a cop on a motorcycle to shoot an AR-15. Not coming up with anything that doesn't sound like <i>pure fun! </i>Yee-haw!

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