Well, one of them was reportedly a "12-inch pianist", but I may have misheard.

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W/ the friendly Mafia stereotype mascot!

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i like jack's bag.

that is all.

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That carpet is making me sick and no, this is not a Christine O’Donnell joke.

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...I never thought I would see the day when a CPAC event would be devoid of "Furries"!?

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I had no idea there were so many Village People teabaggers.

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Oh goody. The illiterate signs are back.

Note the "Real" Defender of the Constitution.

Kind of like astroturf is "real" grass.

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Someone should tell Ron Paul that quotation marks around a word signify irony, not emphasis. Nah, never mind.

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The fourth picture has a certain unshaven frontiersman Harry Potter thing going on.

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