Holy Moly, MoDo actually wrote a decent column today

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Many years ago, I was working on a voter phone survey in the Political Science Dept. The phone company gave the numbers of the exchanges, and a random number generator did the rest. We were advised that if we got an unlisted number, it might be difficult. I got one.

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Check out our federal government: Beloved Leader Stephen Harper is a right-wing asshole. You sure you want our voters?

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You have been wronged, sir! Seek re(un)dress forthwith.

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Goddammit, now I am gonna have to look up old Ren And Stimpy eps...

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The real concern for the Editrix of course is that you will join forces to overthrow her and rule the Wonkettes as Father and Son.

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That rate would be cut by more than two-thirds if only more people got the anti-derpes vaccine. Once they carry the virus, though, it is too late, because derpes causes vaccines to suddenly become dangerous.

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"Employers “can’t find people to come to work sober, daily, drug-free and want to learn the necessary skills going forward to be able to do those jobs."

Sort of like the American people trying to find competent members to serve in Congress.

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Fabric store salesperson, 1981. There is a still a customer I want to put up against the wall when the revolution comes.

Of course, as a teacher I encounter the same attitude from some parents (and their kids)

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It does. I have mine right next to the computer.

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trephining or GTFO!!1!

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worse yet they up and change from time to time

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I seem to remember lots of pledges during the GOP primaries. I also seem to remember those pledges coming back to haunt them later. Good thing Republicans are immune to learning from their mistakes...

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basically- rectal/cranial inversion complete, on to phase 2

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maybe he has plans to be a NY state representative

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The real reason the wingnutz are upset with Brett Hulsey is his necklace: It's made from his GOP opponents' teeth.

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