No, I think the Foxy Sheik told her what would happen to her TV career if she didn't rethink that puppy. Bristol,also.

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No,no it was a good album. I am going to light a candle to it tonight!

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I don't think she has seen what she *wrote* yet. It's fucking FashionWeek!!!!!!!! There are swag bags everywhere.

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What was she going to do with the censored books at the Wasilla liebarry? Hmmmm?

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I guess it's true...you lie down with dogs and you wake up with batshit crazy.

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I think Mr Luke-ASS is trying to find an erudite way to say asshole -- aka "lower sphincter". Luke-ASS talk pretty one day.

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Another gem from "Ric Renfro": "These aren't people your dealing with, the're animals. They, if allowed, will take over this country and burn our constitution, our Bibles, our homes an even us if we let them. It's not time to be wussies.." Oooooh, strong words like "wussies" amid wildly misplaced apostrophes. "Ric Renfro" must be very angry.

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Because Ripley also said "nuke 'em from space, it's the only way to be sure". Then later she has to fight the Queen of the insect drones and says "stay away from the White House YOU BITCH!"

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As Judy Jenkins wrote: "they will rule us..if we let them".

I feel the same way about Repubicans.

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My first thought was "But who's going to work at McDonald's??" Then I realized that we wouldn't need a whole lot of McDonald's, so never mind.

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OK, this is my favorite " Also, not securing the broaders is known by them as an easy access to come through the U.S. undetected." Ummm......Either Einstein has realized that it's easier to slip through an unsecured border than one that's secured (who knew?) or those fat tea-baggers are unrestrained for a a nefarious reason.

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NPR just announced nutty preacher is calling off Koran burning.

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Rev. Terry Jones will fly to New York to meet with the leaders planning the Coat Factory Mosque to say "Shalom Malakim' (or whatever) and see that the move the Mosk to some better place, such as Queens.

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And! Donald Trump has offered to buy the Muslin Coat Factory for 25% above it's value. It's profit time for the terrorist!

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I would think The Gov'Nor found "emoms" hitting a bit too close to home...

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Those Facebook comments make me think Shorts is up to his old tricks again.

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