I read that and wondered "Have you LISTENED to a Romney speech, bitch?" Just based on his public statements, he thinks every woman in America is Carol Brady.

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Is the conspiracy that rich countries like being able to boss the rest of the world around?

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I haz a snark-free comment, sorry.

Protesting fucking NATO? What the billy-goat fuck? Okay, yes, we got the occasional eradicated wedding party, and that truly sucks, but where the fuck do you think the fucking drones come from? Belgium? (Actually, I don't know if Belgium is a member of NATO, but you get my point).

If you don't like the use of excessive and badly controlled military violence as a response to pretty nearly any annoyance, protest the source -- which is, mah fella Amurkins, us, not "NATO".

More generally, please, have some political sense in your protesting. The point of protest demonstrations (theoretically) is to persuade those in authority to change their behavior. Consider the current scenario: (1) we have an incumbent President who is not as liberal as some of us would like, but who is unarguably a better choice than the alternative; (2) the House is effectively controlled by a sub-minority of teabaggers, abetted by a cynical Republican leadership (oppose Obama, no matter what the cost to the country); (3) there is an election coming up that may, or may not, change these things.

Gee, what a perfect time to launch a provocative protest against a glorified front organization that, unavoidably, <i>has</i> to be supported by the not-so-liberal President and the minority members (that's our folks, more or less) of Congress. That really improves our electoral chances.

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We've missed you PsycWench. Welcome back and keep smiling.

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I don't want them to be the foot soldiers of the Democratic Party, I want them to grow a fucking brain.

We live in an increasingly polarized democratic republic. That is a fact. The available choices -- that is, the choices that actually have a measurable probability of winning office -- are not as robust as we would like them to be, but they are what they are (and yes, I hate that phrase, but in this case it is accurate).

I'd hate to think that the defining characteristic of the American Left is that they're too stupid to figure out how politics works.

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I don't know. Literally.

He's never going to be able to completely erase this. In fact, if he adheres to backtracking, he'll shoot himself in the <protuberance of your choice> as a "sell-out".

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it's too bloody hot here to protest any fucking thing.

fucking global warming.

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i just heard an adorable moppet demand nato pull its troops from iraq.

(he really was adorable...)

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I believe the correct phrase is "discriminated <b>agin'</b>". But that's OK, not every one needs to speak Mississippian.

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I had a student, years ago, who sported a mohawk that was dyed bright colors (which varied). When you're rocking a bright mohawk it is imperative that you use something to make it stand up, because when you're running late and you skip the 'do, the effect is very My Pretty Pony.

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Bombing is out of style kids. Try the old standard of a flaming bag of poop.

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According to MeMa those white kids are being discriminated.

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