You can include any of the ass-hats who are blocking a second Windsor-Detroit bridge at the behest of the Ambassador Bridge's private owner, Matty Moroun.

<a href="http:\/\/www.theglobeandmail.com\/news\/politics\/iron-steel-for-new-windsor-detroit-bridge-must-come-from-canada-or-us\/article4264963\/" target="_blank">Iron, steel for new Windsor bridge must come from Canada or U.S.</a>

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and the death penalty for insurance executives...

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I refer you to youtube and Ms. Storm Large's lovely song "My Vagina is Eight Miles Wide"...

great minds - see the link downthread from Elviously Q.

Thanks EQ

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Yes, Ms. Large projects voraciously omnisexual...

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Followed by a pan-galactic gargle-blaster

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And those trees! Just the right height!

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He's got wannabe swinger written all over him.

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Matty's having a tough day. They're announcing the new bridge is going ahead. He'll need lots of blowjobs to get over that.

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Harder to buy elections in Canada, but Stephen Harper's working on it. He axed the per-vote subsidy as soon as he got hs majority.

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hahahahaha this is mitt romney's state.

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Most of those Republicans probably have sex with ladies they meet on Chix with Dix.

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All legislators should be prohibited by law from having sex. And any practicing lawyer in America should be sterilized.

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Dave Agema is right. Why shouldn't layabout orphans sew their own clothes?

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Vagina . . . (sings) The most beautiful sound I ever heard: Vagina, Vagina, Vagina, Vagina . . . All the beautiful sounds of the world in a single word . . Vagina, Vagina, Vagina, Vagina . . . Vagina! I've just met a girl named Vagina, And suddenly that name Will never be the same To me. Vagina! I've just kissed a girl named Vagina, And suddenly I've found How wonderful a sound Can be! Vagina! Say it loud and there's music playing, Say it soft and it's almost like praying.

Vagina, I'll never stop saying Vagina!

The most beautiful sound I ever heard. Vagina!

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Dude's gotta do something while waiting for his sexytime wife to come to his senses. When the world removes sex...go curling!

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