That's a pretty dark thought.

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H. C. Errwhatthefuckhuh?

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No soup for you!!!!

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He's giving up on Michigan <em>again</em>? Didn't they already do that back in <a href="http:\/\/www.thedailybeast.com\/articles\/2012\/06\/13\/no-home-field-advantage-for-mitt-romney.html" target="_blank">June</a>?.

That's a lot of EVs he's giving up on. Also, those states rank 9th and 14th on Nate Silver's ROI list, which leads one to wonder, where <em>is</em> Romney still campaigning?

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So, <i>you're</i> David Byrne?

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I loved how <a href="http:\/\/videocafe.crooksandliars.com\/heather\/colbert-makes-mockery-priebus-claim-gop-en" target="_blank">Colbert</a> mocked that:

<blockquote>Yes, we have all the enthusiasm. Mitt Romney's our candidate, and there's no changing that now.</blockquote>

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Hmm, that may explain the odd sensations in my armpits.

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Would make zero impression on the Xtards -- they'd see it as just more proof that abortion is evil.

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That stuff drove me nuts, too, until I got IOLs put in. One eye is now a bionic 20/10 (needz built-in glowing red surveyor's mark), the other perfect for a computer screen. Still need readers, but that's it.

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What I wanna know is, why does the fucking hair on my earlobes still come in black, while my actual facial hair went Santa-white ten years ago?

Huh? Hengh?

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those are his glasses on top her head...

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then what was Carrie Underwood singing about?

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He didn't blow no shofar!

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Pres Bartlett: Didn't they attach a family planning rider to the highway bill last year? Josh: They did. Pres: What's with these people? They can't stop talking about sex. Toby: If they can't be havin' it.

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Everett, my beard itches.

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