Damn Arabs invented the zero too, and look where that got us.

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<i> Muslim terrorists will rise up and strike at America’s Arsenal of Democracy, reducing the city of Detroit into a bombed-out, nearly vacant ghost town of a city.</i>

This will leave more scope for the Garden Ladies, of course.

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Or, possibly too-subtle irony?

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Whadduya want for ten exposure bucks?

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UCLA? Nuff said. He'd fit right in with the blond co-ed with the anti Asian YouTube rant...

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Always set achievable goals.

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Unless she buys a gun, then remove her from all lists!

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He invented Islam

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It's the sequester. It's everywhere

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*YAWN* Sorry, all that talk of sleep....

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Sigh, their ability to find new and creative non issues to freak out about never ceases to amaze me...

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That dot between Brandi's eyebrows looks suspicious... Let's get her on a watch list ASAP!

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...wait a second! I thought we <strong>"fought them over there, so we dont have to fight them over here"!</strong>

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...soon we will all be driving Terrorist Jihad-Mobiles!

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<i>"Three exclamation points..."</i>

In winger world exclamation points means it's a joke.

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