Point of order.

How can there be a state law that was ‘written’ before Arizona was even a state?

‘Tis a puzzlement.

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Yep, Trump sure did grab them by their pussies, and now the Republicans are faced with the consequences of a lot of very pissed off women who didn't want their pussies grabbed.

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How's that whole "traditional family values" thing working for you MAGAhats?

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always fun seeing just how sincere their deeply held convictions are when they learn said convictions are electoral poison. none of them should get away with this or be allowed to flip-flop in the slightest.

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I wasn't fooled by the AI abortion, though I'm sure that the "dog" might have some chupacabra in it.

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Is that a tail or a boner sticking out of the thigh of the tripod giraffe-dog?

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Fucker can't say he's against a 6 week state or national ban when, a) he's said he IS in favor of it many times when it suits his needs and, b) the swine lives in Florida and will have to vote either yes or no to the 6 week state ban there.

What Trump and the GOP has done with all of this is to create a gigantic baseball bat, and this bat is what we need to beat the GOP to death with, as they have already started doing themselves, which is so beautiful.

You made this pile of dog shit, you assholes. You are now going to eat ALL OF IT.

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Apr 11·edited Apr 11

They can keep trying to sweep it under the rug to their peril. Pretending like it never happened is not going to happen.

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I'm that it's not a coincidence that the time idealized by "originalists" is a time when white men* had all the power. It's right there in the name, and, well, everything they do or say.

*"straight" is assumed but not mentioned. If you mention it, they start to get ideas.

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Wow a picture of the rare Giant Miniature Giraffe Dog!

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Fuuuuuuuck.... We need to load all of these idiots up on a cruise ship, sail to the middle of the ocean, drop anchor and bail.

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We need to hang this like an anchor around PAB's neck until he drowns, in votes.

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pab is so pathetic tossing a word salad of whatever he thinks will make him look moderate to some but not to others what a sad pos

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"I wonder if people will know this one’s AI? (Image by Substack AI)"

Or, and hear me out, Dok, has Substack cut a deal with Alpha Centauri for cheap access to all their stock photos, and AI is just a cover???

We are through the looking glass here people!

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OT: Trina Robbins died yesterday. She was a comic book artist and writer and damn good at it.

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I saw that ding dong Peter Baker on the teevee this morning talking about how abortion won't be that much of an issue in the swing states like Pennsylvania and Michigan because it's not on the ballot like in Arizona or Florida, and I was all BITCH, the very sight of ANY Republican is enough to remind us of abortion. Republicans OWN that shit now.

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