Because the Klan wants to improve the socio-economic standing of all black photographers.

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I once had a student teacher tell me that it is in the constitution that "your rights end where my arm begins." She was not kidding, she was about 40 (late career change), and her intended subject choice was US History. It is becoming obvious to me that she was not unique in her abysmal ignorance.

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The last time that I saw it, it was being carried by Big Gay Al.

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Could someone tell Mr. Shapiro that there have been more than a few occasions of MAJOR discrimination against the Jewish people? That guy w/ the little mustache? Remember him?

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Some dork here in PA advocated a similar bill, and even the Rethuglican bigwigs disowned him.

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All business would have been equipped with Gaydar detectors.

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Can we leave at "don't ask Ben Shapiro if he is whinging minge and he won't have to tell us he hasn't had an intelligent response to anything since birth." ?

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If it has Bryan Fischer's scalp, it's going to look like a larger version of John Bolton's mustache.

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What doesn't!?

*starts listing everything in the known universe, Bubba Gump style*

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Well, whining mostly.

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So does this come down to "Oh noes, a gay couple will hire me to bake a wedding cake and take it to their same-sex wedding!" which isn't even legal in Arizona at this moment...?

I dunno, that seems pretty much like a completely imaginary scenario. Almost as imaginary as "there's a God In The Sky that keeps an eye on everyone's peepers and wajoojoos."

Next up for the myth-centric legislatures out there: to craft some legislation to make sure lifeguards don't try to rescue deities while walking on water. Then change some rules so that deities passing out loaves or fishes don't need to meet food safety standards, like having to wear gloves and/or hairnets. You know, lots of care will be required in crafting legislation that legalizes drinking of blood and eating flesh -- only if it comes from Jesus® of course!

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I think Leviticus forbids women to braid their hair, as that excites men. So millenia ago there was a place shittier than Arizona and you couldn't even eat pork tamales.

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Don't these Great Christians™ put a fish sign in their store window? That's the dead giveaway that I don't need to waste my time or money going in there.

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Lawmaker now proposing similar bill in Missouri. <a href="http://www.kmov.com/news/ju..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.kmov.com/news/just-posted/Missouri-sen...">http://www.kmov.com/news/ju...

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PS, how good is this cake that its very denial is a mortal sting? Is it as good as those cakes we like at Walmart?

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