Which makes it true! The Fox "News" report can't be far off.

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Smoked duck, maybe . . . although you can wash it down with <a href="http:\/\/wine.psydr.com\/wine\/images\/2006_smoking_loon_cabernet_sauvignon.jpg" target="_blank"> Smoking Loon.</a>

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Nothing so dumb as a liberal, who will believe ANYTHING.

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<i>No Time for Sergeants</i> is still a fantastic movie, even with Andy the Red (and the great Don Knotts).

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In the world of particle physics, the ducks (smoking or not), go 'Quark, Quark'.

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I just don't see that. When I look at that face, all I see is two cobras wearing ponchos and shower caps.

But I guess that's pretty much how Brad Pitt looks to me, too.

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For the record, I was nowhere near London in the 1880s. I swear,

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Rip Torn? Really? Now I'm depressed.

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Honestly, I don't know how that guy got accepted as an NCIS agent.

Today's inkblot is an even nicer torso than yesterday's, by the way. You do good work.

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Ok, that is an exception. I had to watch Lawrence Welk at my in-laws. God.

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Dr. Z, among my colleagues, two of the actual Rorschach blots are widely known as "two elephants on a pogo stick" and "a vagina smoking a cigar". Once you see them that way, you'll never see anything else. Look at the cards on Wikipedia and tell me I'm wrong.

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this is genius.

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what did these people do before al gore created the internet?

and follow-up question: can we make them go back to doing it?

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A generic aluminum can with a pop top, sealed, and a wrapper that said "yadayada". Spotty dick would have worked just as well. Or Michelle Malkins tampon. Do not open!

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