And you are quite a handsome fellow in real life.

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No, I saw that movie. Woodchipper works just fine.

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<a href="http:\/\/www.fiddlersgreen.net\/aircraft\/Cessna-152\/IMAGES\/3-View-Cessna-152.jpg" target="_blank">Cessna 152, </a> methinks.

I was working about 20 blocks from where Lidle crashed; we were all seriously spooked by the scores of police and fire vehicles screaming up Third Avenue, which you don't get for your average fire. (It was 2006, and people were still in 9/11 mode.) From what I read, Lidle was too low over the river to make a tight turn, which would have cost altitude that he didn't have. He had to go wide, so he circled around one tower, only to find another right in front of him. I doubt that his plane left any pieces this big.

But yeah, in NYC, someone would do exactly that, and I'd not be surprised if this thing was gone before the Sanitation guys got there. We also have scrap metal scroungers who cruise around in the wee hours of recycling days, looking for stuff like this.

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Woodchipper? Aren't we supposed to do it with votes?

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i would so come up for that! we would bring mr fuflans' godson to the bar too!

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wonkette chicago 2013 is way better than the olympic bid.

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Uh-oh ... maybe we should have left the Kalashnikov alone?

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'Twas a good evening indeed. Our Editrix is not only lovely, but charming, and Lizzie has a megawatt smile that lights up the room (and a 2-megawatt camera ... I'm still seeing spots!) Actor112 is exactly as pictured in his avatar, btw. Walking back afterwards, came across an unmarked building with numerous large black cars parked out front (one of them a Maybach), and an assortment of men (crewcut blonde, dreadlocked black, vaguely middle-eastern brown, etc.) standing out front. They had one thing in common: they were large. And alert. On the Broadway #1, I am joined at 42nd St. by a 6-foot tall presposterously gorgeous blonde. (Ralph Lauren would give his left nut to have her model his stuff.) Her companion: two inches taller, swept-back black hair, mandatory 3-day beard, and (like her) cheekbones from another planet. It is, after all, Fashion Week. They get off at West 110th St., and the entire population of the car is like, "WTF?" Then, on the street in my nabe, an airplane wing left out for the morning trash collection. <a href="http:\/\/24.media.tumblr.com\/tumblr_mac3irnprl1rgcd84o1_1280.jpg" target="_blank">I kid you not.</a> It is aluminum, and tomorrow is recycling day, so it's all good. Just another Thursday night in New York. Tonight is Friday, when it gets interesting.

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He is actually.

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all of the people i see are charming, witty and thoroughly do-able.

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our editrix has a fabulous wardrobe.

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You know the trees are going to be turning soon in Minneapolis. It doesn't get much better than sitting downtown on a patio overlooking the Mississippi while sipping on your favorite beverage surround by a bunch of intelligent conversing Libtards. And if you’re really nice I’ll bring my woodchipper.

Hint HINT!

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