Trig looks tasty though, prime retard meat.

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They have all-terrain scooters now with tank tracks. <a href="http://dvice.com/pics/tankc..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://dvice.com/pics/tankchair_w.jpg">http://dvice.com/pics/tankc...

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Harpy Herpes.

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What the fuck does the phrase Merry Christmas have to do with political correctness? You can wish anyone you like a Merry Christmas because it IS fucking Christmas. All the bs came about because stores, airlines, teevee stations and almost everything else on the planet that caters to, serves, or deals with the public, realizing that their consumer base come from one of many holiday traditions during the month of December, decided it would be prudent to just wrap everything into a catch-all phrase. Seasons Greetings and Happy Holidays are polite ways of wishing strangers, whose holiday preference you presumably wouldn't know, a Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah Hannukah or whatever. Happy Holidays = Merry Christmas. God why do you have to be so goddamned dense? Christians love to climb up on their crosses and crucify themselves over perceived slights and grievances. But as this whole auto-initiated "War on Christmas" illustrates, they're nothing but a bunch of whiny, spineless, faithless assholes.

Oh, and this says nothing of the fact that the etymology of the word Holiday is a contraction of the words Holy and Day.

Morons. The whole lot of you.

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This is <i>The Very Part</i> that illuminates the total lie in their asshole belief structure. Who does a wingebag care about insulting? When has this imaginary moment ever occurred?

Yes, sure, complaint-filled wingtard, I sure believe that somehow you actually cared about conforming to some unspoken rules about civility and diversity toward others' beliefs, right up until this very moment when you opened your piehole to complain about how terrible and oppressive all this conforming is.

Sure, I <i>almost</i> believe you actually cared about offending people! You very nearly seem like a compassionate human being and not all that much like an ambulatory sack of turds and half digested KFC Doubledowns!

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And snow machines.

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"clear the pumpkins out of their air cannons to make room for hams. "

I think typically, it is the opposite.

U.S. Americans, after Christmas dinner, clear the ham out of their 'air cannons,' making room for pumpkin pies.

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And what, pray tell, are the <i>un</i>-acceptable forms of Jew-baiting these days, Don?

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Dude, you <i>have</i> no Karran!

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In other words, Jesus was wrong: you really CAN serve both God and Mammon!

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Better ask Crank_Tango for some bong hits then. You won't get anything done but you'll be a lot happier about it.

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Me too, and by "tolerate" I mean "hide them from my news feed".

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Then they have a schism jism.


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No...what she means is that God literally came down and loved up her mom. That's mom's story and she's sticking to it. The good news is that for all of these years, dad (snicker) has bought it.

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They'll be throwing ham grenades.

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Fah who For-aze Dah who dor-aze Welcome Christmas Come this way!

Fah who for-aze Dah who dor-aze Welcome Christmas Christmas Day!

Welcome, welcome Fah who rah-moose Welcome,welcome Dah who dah-moose Christmas day is in our grasp So long as we have hands to clasp

Fah who for-aze Dag who dor-aze Welcome Christmas Bring your cheer Fah who for-aze Dah who dor-aze Welcome all Who's Far and near

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