It could be worse. They might try to get the Supreme Court to rule that states have to outlaw abortion next https://twitter.com/NewYork...

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I would hope that she quickly comes to realize what a horrible thing she said to you really was now that states can pretty much completely ban abortion again.

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She's either a dishonest scumbag like Mitch McConnell or incredibly gullible. Either way, she looks really bad right now.

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They would probably label you an ungrateful brat for not being happy that the state forced your mom to give birth to you.

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Christians have told me that they believe I'll be comforted in Heaven by Christ Jesus. My replies get censored, for good reason.

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"Reread the nonsensical thing I wrote" is not the rejoinder you think it is.

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TERF "logic" is a perfect circle. They think their signals are oh-so-subtle and cute and really they're just the Reich Wing's gay panic hand-me-downs from the 90s. Once Upon A Sex Panic.

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I think the concern is less for "AMAB but transitioned to female," and more for "AFAB and hasn't fully transitioned to male yet, so is still capable of becoming pregnant." The second group, while capable of pregnancy, identify as male. Therefore, they would not be "pregnant women," and thus would be excluded or mislabeled by Enbastet's preference. Sooooo... Fuck Enbastet's TERFy opinion.

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Ahh, see that's a good point I hadn't even thought of when I wrote my post. Like I said, I'm not very good but I'm at least of a mindset to learn and do better. And yeah, fuck that TERFy bullshit.

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I’ll believe it when your tiny rabid coon-infected face finally expands to match your head size.

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Dok, I love ya, but - seriously - "the pregnant person"?


We already lost the Supreme Court and got this monstrosity because of voters who insisted on purity tests. Now is not the time for language that is so pure that it actually undoes what this is about.

Striking reproductive choice (because contraception will be next) is about misogyny and so it is about women.

That is why Gov. Whitmer uses "women": - "A woman must be able to make her own health care decisions, with the advice of a health care professional that she trusts. A politician shouldn't be making these decisions for her." - The 1931 law "was rooted in a desire to control women and reinforce patriarchy" and "“was adopted to reinforce antiquated notions of the proper role for women in society.”

That is why almost every Wonker uses "women".

Black women saved our asses when they surged to vote for Joe in the primaries. I'm not so sure that they would have responded as strongly to an outreach to "cis-female identified POC's"

If we want women to mass at the polls do this heaviest of heavy lifts then we can at least acknowledge them as the targets.

...and I'm sure that, now that the battle is actually joined, that any non-binary and trans male folks who might be caught up in this because their bodies are female will forgive the lack of language purity if we win...

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She's amazing!

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It isn't. It's just bad manners.

...but if they thought that this would help them they would be thrilled to have it out earlier, so let 'em rant...

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I want her to be wrong.


And if TX doesn't do it, FL will.

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Remember back in the day when the white wingers all screamed about how having a Catholic holding the Presidency would mean the US was in the control of the Vatican? Well, they had the outcome figured out, just didn't see where the control would be exerted.

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That is a lot of words and a lot of outrage to be throwing around over one word that tries to include as many affected people as possible.

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