Kudos on the neologism. Let 'upcarat' be the new upfist!

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Isn't it customary not to name stuff after people who are still alive? I'd rather have him with us, TYVM.

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Boehner is hard to spell (for the kiddies), can't we just call it "Drunk Orange"

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The GOP will claim that that is Bull... .

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I think the tattoo should be on rent boy but other wise I agree.

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I believe you can find that here:


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Progressively more stupid, interesting.

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The only way to get Boehner interested in civil rights is if we discriminate against people with orange skin and scotch breath.

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No, bridges and things get named after live people all the time.You just can't call them the "name of person memorial" bridge until after they are dead.

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For sportsball fans: John Boehner and Jim Boeheim may have a lot in common, including that Boeheim got punished by suspension, Boehner by Tea Party Reps.

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FAUX Nooze wingnut Richard Grenell on twitter: "great speech, back in the limo...off to play golf."


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I'm sure that's where they were the first time.

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"A Comic Book Got John Lewis Interested In Civil Rights. What’ll It Take To Interest Boehner?" OK, what would? You'll have to keep it simple because he is not a scientist you know.

1. One liners about the Civil Rights Struggle on Budweiser labels.

2. Someone could slip in a stencil with the one liners when he gets his spray tan.

3. Tattoo Civil Rights Struggle one liners on the asses of Tea Puppets. Getting those slippery pigs to hold still will make this untenable and if you are successful in your tattoo quest, it would depend if he closes his eyes when he kisses.

I say #3 is the best option... well ...it would be the most fun option...for me.

Besides, why wouldn't the most 'colored " man I know be interested????

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I think it was the Superman "Bizarro World" series that got me interested in politics...

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John Lewis is the eidetic wonketteer, for this statement he gave the New York Times on the third day of the march:

"At night most [of the marchers] were asleep by 9. A resolution in the Alabama Legislature March 24, 1965 [3rd day of the march] charged that there had been "evidence of much fornication" in the tents but all the march leaders deny it and point out that the sexes were required to sleep in separate tents.

John Lewis, head of the Student Noviolent Coordinating Committee, dismissed the charge with this comment, "All these segregationists can think of is fornication, and that is why there are so many different shades of Negroes.""

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