Happy Birthday, Evan's mom!

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I'm shocked that Wonkette would participate in gross cheaty whore sex shaming! Double standard!

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They didn't publish our their names yet, did they? Asking for a friend.

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Think of it as free exposure.

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"This is my Spirit, fapped for you...."

Certainly puts a new spin on the Pentecost story.

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And we all know what comes after the spanking, don't we?

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True story; when I was taking anthropology because I am hip and cool like that, there was this one small island group where the young male types could only be passed into full grown male types by ingesting the man milk of their elders.And that is a totally TRUE story.

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The Duggars are real sad how God canceled their TV show.

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It might just be the breakfast beer talking, but if I didn't have to go harvest blueberries and give the fucking chickens some fresh water, I could spend the rest of the day watching and laughing at that gif. The most entertaining thing my cat does is climb into the laundry hamper and piss on the dirty clothes so that we get to wash them three times rather than one.

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Maybe they were mixing up Brazilian peener-milk guy and this guy?http://www.ohio.com/news/lo...

Angley has been accused of, among other things, conducting "checks" on young men's three-piece sets.

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the Bush Ranch is on an island? who'da thunk it!

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I guess his every spem is sacred.

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babbie pics or GTFO! with VOTES of course :P

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Is this the place to request shirt sizes? I'm 6'8" and would really appreciate a 3x or 4x TALL option, as nobody really wants to see my belly button at this point :)

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He seems to have been Ernest about it.

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