Having to endure a biannual trip to Olive Garden is some serious ass deprivation.

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An interview with the Rev. Self-righteous Prick, who will be voting for Pres. Russia Helped Me.

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Allow me to quote Brad Jones from his DVD-R Hell episode on part two of Deception of a Generation.

"Oh, I get it now, I see what's going on here. You just think gays are icky, is all. You don't care about religion or the occult, you just use that as an excuse for blind hatred against gay people. You know, I guess it helps you sleep at night. [...] No, no no, of course you're not just coming out and saying that you're bigots. You're leaving it to the viewer to decide if you're fucking bigots."

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Thank you Evan. I wish your position got more coverage.

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I once did a seminary report that covered Biblical teachings on homosexuality, particularly from Leviticus and Deuteronomy. I concluded that the passages in context were listings of sex crimes, among which homosexuality was treated harshly but not exceptionally. The vast majority of them would be illegal in the modern US, but nobody wants to talk about that.

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I remember reading somewhere that most of what gets translated/interpreted as condemning homosexuality is probably actually referring to pederasty, not relationships between adults.

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Pretty sure Chasten doesn’t hate his brother, he just disagrees with his lifestyle.

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I'm so pissed that I didn't even finish the article (yet!) - I had to get to the comments. My sister's BFF is gay. I knew him as a toddler, & I'm proud to say that when I learned of his homosexuality (because OF COURSE he'd fought it for years), I was unfazed. He was still HIM. She & her husband spend oodles of time with him & HIS husband. And I'm even prouder to say that my 13-year-old daughter stood up in righteous anger to her grandma, who is Mormon, in defense of her uncle & his marriage & his right to be happy WITH HIS HUSBAND. My daughter has known this man from earliest memory; he is ALL GOOD THINGS to both of my children. So fuck this noise.

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Incest would already have been well covered, and is in fact the main subject of the (horrible) texts. What I've found moderately amusing is that the rule on homosexuality couldn't actually be enforced without two other men acknowledging they had caught the accused in the act. In practice, the policy was probably closer to "don't ask, don't tell".

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Hoo-YAH! Please consider this a high five from Ice Station Aroostook to that gutsy 13-year-old, and please add one for yourself for some awesome parenting! (Someone here is clearly cutting up onions!)

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MANY thanks! This pistol was the only baby I've ever heard described as "aggressive" - BY 3 PEOPLE - before she was 10 days old! I just nurtured it. THANK YOU for appreciating moja beba - Croatian for "my baby," she's so proud of her heritage! - I adore her feistiness. Oh my, I cut up onions EVERY DAY...

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As always, Evan, you lowered the boom on these hypocritical fuckwits. One of the nice things about having given up Christianity years ago is that all their hate-driven bullshit can't get to me now- my "frequency" is too different. I feel, though, for folks who still believe- only to be subjected to blind, ignorant, tribal thinking that would be right at home amongst the Islamist fundamentalists these "Christians" claim to oppose but so closely resemble. And the damage they can do is very real- I've had gay students tremble at the thought of what their Bible-beating relatives might do if they came out. Is this not the OPPOSITE of what Jesus of Nazareth stood for?

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Who is this person?

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Hey Cletus look at what President Fat Asses North Korea BFF did:North Korea 'executes envoy to US' after Trump summit failures – report


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Lord, is this the dreaded phantom thread?

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