they usually do!

Um there is a facsimile chain ...


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Well, they have same day registration now, and there's nothing preventing the R's from deciding that , say , milwaukee gets three polling places that are open from 8:00 to 8:01 AM, and that registering needs special ID only available on every seventh Tuesday in one office in Madison from 3:00 to 3:10 PM. Which office is manned by one elderly deaf DMV employee. I don't trust the GOP as far as I can throw them.

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hope smears and accusations can accomplish what a weak mind cannot.

Whatever. I am just done with your bullshit.

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You're the one who responded to me, remember? You tried to pick a fight, now you're crying because it didn't go your way. Be a less ridiculous human being and see if things don't go better for you.

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Be less of an asshole. I don't pay that much attention to most people, so for you to be so noticeable means you were truly memorable and not in a good way. How things go for me in none of your business, but I'm fine, actually. Thanks for the concern.

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Ta, Robyn. Younger Sister in PA stayed home in '16 "because I couldn't vote for a murderer." I still haven't forgiven her, although I know it was her Facebook feed that Russian-ratfucked her mind.

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Robyn, please refer any Democrats who screamed at you for any reason to me. I'll take care of them -- with words, biting, shaming words. I was born a Democrat, from a long line of hard-working Democrats, and I'll give 'em hell.

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The Democratic Committee of Wisconsin should be organizing that now. Presumably they have the purged list.

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I can't find a thing to say in response but … smart.

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Thank you, Robyn, and all of Wonkette's staff too. I am really glad to see Wonkette keeping an eye on voter suppression. Especially since Gateway Pundit just posted a post "Detroit Hit With Lawsuit … Thousands of Irregularities on Voter Rolls Including Dead People."Nabu and Ishtar, not that nonsense again!That nonsense again, and forever from these yupyups, probably. The first thing I wondered was, "Who's bringing the lawsuit? Since Gateway Pundit approves, they must be pestilential right-wing liars."They are indeed. It's PILF, the Public Interest Legal Foundation, run by J. Christian Adams, with Brian S. Brown former Chair of the Board, as right wing as you can get. Brown is president of an organization opposing gay marriage, and Adams was a member of President Trump's "election integrity commission," one of the chairs of which was Kris Kobach.The lawsuit is garbage. What else? I'm certain every bloody city in the U.S. has large numbers of dead people still on its rolls. When someone dies, the nearest and dearest are too busy grieving, arranging the funeral, and in some cases dogfighting over the inheritance, to give a thought to whether the deceased is still on the electoral rolls. If they even consider it, they probably assume the registrar of births, marriages and deaths will take care of it. These jerks base their accusations of voter fraud (excuse to purge the rolls of everybody who probably isn't voting their way) on the asinine argument that because a dead guy or gal is still on the electoral rolls, their vote is being cast!Which it ain't.Same with the excuse that thousands of people are registered to vote in multiple states. People move around the country all the time, and damned few of them think to have their names taken off the rolls in the state they are leaving. It's not illegal in America (yet) to be registered to vote in numerous states, so long as you actually vote in just one. Who the hell risks a felony charge and jail time to cast a vote in several states? Any person who's ever done campaign work will tell you it's hard enough to get people to vote even once.I hope this lawsuit not only fails but meets blistering ridicule in the media and scathing condemnation from the judge who hears it, as well as lawmakers.Damn the bloody eyes of the PILFerers.I'm not exactly brimming with kindly good wishes for their other organs either.

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It is even illegal to have your name registered to multiple location? I thought it was only illegal to vote in multiple locations.

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Most of the places on the list are smaller and will have more limited DMV access, although they are also places where people are more likely to have driver's licenses with their current address. Except students, but student groups have been working hard since the republicans tried to disenfranchise them to make sure students know how to register.

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I certainly hope so!

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Yup. Its all about making sure Dems can't turn out their base because there is no other way to win when your party is cartoonishly evil.

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The offspring did the same... stayed home in the name of purity. He not only took in that anti-Hillz garbage through the skin, but he's also absolutely convinced that unless a candidate reflects his views exactly, then it's compromising his integrity to vote for them, and nothing I can say has at all changed his mind. He snarks at people who are willing to compromise as "neo-libs and corporate Dems," and goes from "Candidate A compromised with opponents to pass a bill" to "Candidate A must be evil" in the blink of an eye.

I worry that, if Warren or Sanders isn't the nominee, he'll do it again, also too.

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Excuse me, but did you make enough for the whole Wonketariat?

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