We just started watching. Keep refreshing this!
"If the president wanted to be like Ronald Reagan, he would sign a balanced budget amendment!"
"We are the Saudi Arabia of energy!"
"A three-legged stool... won't fall over easily." (Conservatives are a three-legged stool.)
"I believe in this three-legged stool."
"We need to win the Triple Crown of 2012!" Conservatives are going into horse racing.
"For one thing, you're all incredibly good looking." That got a laugh, because no .
"Let's roll!"
And that was it. Then the CPAC tards bombed another Arab country.
Great...now I have an image of a turd with three legs scampering away like the baby critter in Alien.
I was just down in the cafeteria and Bachmann was on the TeeVee spewing this stuff. The extension of my middle finger is apparently an involuntary reflex now.
I now know how Pavlov’s dogs felt.