Great...now I have an image of a turd with three legs scampering away like the baby critter in Alien.

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I was just down in the cafeteria and Bachmann was on the TeeVee spewing this stuff. The extension of my middle finger is apparently an involuntary reflex now.

I now know how Pavlov’s dogs felt.

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Isn’t it traditional for the first name to be the one with more intelligence and personality?

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Might as well have a face... <a href="http://valleyparent.com/thi..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://valleyparent.com/thissouthernblog/wp-conte...">http://valleyparent.com/thi...

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Isn't 3 the minimum number of possible legs to make a stool, and the least stable stool possible? Yeah, that about fits CPAC

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Also raise taxes 10 times. Sign law legalizing abortion (as gov of CA). Send gifts to Ayatollah Kohmeini. Make deals to send weapons to the Islamic Republic of Iran. Indirectly empower Taliban and bin Laden. Send troops to Lebanon and withdraw them after they were attacked -- imagine if Obama did that, or recall Repubicans reaction when Clinton withdrew from Somalia.

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The Saudi Arabia of energy drinks and snack foods.

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The current stool has one leg, she implies. And not much stability, she demonstrates.

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Bachmann ran for the House in 2006 claiming that the federal government was socialist. This when Bush and Cheney were in charge.

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