Nukes are an incurable disease. Like CapitalismTerminal and incurable.DocX (here- house MD) recommends "Therapudic Nihilism" for Britain (hoping Sister Nicola can evacuate the north).The scenario: Let the patient demise herself then all take bets on what did her in.An old game from the old Vienna Ring insiders.I bet the Brits learn the rules before we do.

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Hey we just saw something stupid:It is a warm afternoon in St.Petersburg.

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I think maybe, but I may be confusing it with Glutenless Saturdays, or some such.

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[snark] But UBI would give safety and dignity to the unemployed, and if unemployment is not as dangerous and degrading as possible, people who have jobs will not cling desperately to them, and then the masters and overseers won't be able to underpay workers, and also otherwise treat workers like dog shit! BLASPHEMY AGAINST THE ONE TRUE GOD MAMMON! BURN THE HERETICS!!!1! [/snark]

Seriously, we still have not got rid of the vestiges of the Madoka-damned slave system in this country. Reconstruction was halted too soon, because the industrial and financial barons of the North realized that any laws which redistributed the ill-gotten wealth of the Southern planter class could also be used to redistribute their ill-gotten wealth.

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Do you mean the one in Florida, or the one in Russia?

The first would not be remarkable; the second would be.

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Leninists, aka capital-C Communists, unwittingly proved to be the best friends of capitalists. The massacres and atrocities of Communism, and the general repression and shortages and dreariness of Communist life even when the Communist governments were not shedding remarkable quantities of blood, managed to make capitalism look relatively good by comparison--a feat which would have seemed impossible when Marx was writing.

Then along came fascism, which was something like the idiot bastard son of capitalism and Communism, combining the most ugly and dangerous features of both its parents--the gross material inequalities of capitalism with the one-party police state of Communism, topped by a psychopathic love of war and premature "heroic" death for their own sakes.

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i'm sure they can find an "independent" who will look at them and say "huh?"

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c'mon . . . trumplethinskin's entire cabinet is nothing but little piles of shit.

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Yeah, (damn disqus delay)went out for firewood, returned to the office here and looked again,Colder, darker, still not bad for eveing in St.Pete, Russia35° f percip 0% , humid: 89% wind 7 mph

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Well, that's one of the interesting things about life in Europe in The Olden Days - the common people didn't do much fresh-water fishing because all the rivers were the private property of the lords, so if they fished in the rivers, they were poaching and could be hung. Most of the fish they ate was ocean fish, which was salted or smoked and kept well through the winter, although it was tough as nails and had to be boiled or stewed (the skins became thick and rubbery and were allegedly used as condoms). The more industrious farmers built a fish pond and stocked it. They said that Queen Elizabeth I wanted to encourage the ocean fishing industry, so she decreed two extra "fish" days in the week - Tuesday and Saturday. She wanted more ships, and more trained sailors, because she was engaged in fighting the Spanish on the seas. Her plan worked very well. These are the interesting details they didn't teach us in school, which is why most kids find history boring.

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but sometimes history can be stocked with fishy details.Did Liz 1 behead her fish, too? :)#lmh&m- little ministrations in music and history

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My mom had a story about dried salt fish. She was a kid in Saskatchewan in the thirties, and there were a few years there when life was very hard indeed. The government distributed dried fish from the Maritimes, but no instructions on how to cook or serve it.

The way the story goes, they tried everything they could think of, but couldn't figure out how to make it edible. Eventually, grandpa used it to patch rat holes in the barn, because the rats wouldn't eat it either.

I'm not guaranteeing the truth of this, but my mom and my uncle swore it was true.

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That their grandpappy got for free, through the Homestead Act.

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That's hardly an alliteration. No wonder why it didn't catch on...

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I can believe it. In this documentary it was very obvious that the smoked fish was tough as shoe leather. They first removed the skin, which wasn't easy, then they cut what was left into bite-size bits and marinated it in cider or beer to soften it, then stewed it with herbs and vegetables or baked it in a pie. It was clearly not one of their favorite meals.

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Well, when you put it that way, I'm for the most part good with option A.

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