Upfist for "Discman".

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Best anniversary wishes from over yonder the blue ocean. No, not that one, the other one...well, I trust you get the idea.

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I'm an old old, so I'm going wit Charlie Parker...are we good?

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I was gonna say Utah Philips, but he fits right in with that bunch.

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Thanks for taking the laboring oar on an issue I feel strongly about. We also supported the free speech and civil rights movements and created an environment and set of tools by which, years later, feminism and LGBT rights could grow. We had ideas about economic equality (symbolized by the cooperative movement), but they were killed dead by Ronald Reagan. ******* A dark moment of hate just passed but now I'm better.

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This story is the tonic I needed for this bullshit-filled week!P.S. forget that 'Signs' song, the 5 Man Electrical Band jam you want is this one...https://youtu.be/xTgAE32a2RM

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But I like the "Signs" song.

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I'm just saying it's not a contest, but if it was then 'Absolutely Right' would totally win. That's all I'm saying.

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Ben Folds has always been a fave of mine. We saw him on a tour with John Mayer, back when John wrote good songs instead of the schlock that's been out lately.

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He puts some interesting creases in the English language.

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"I knew I was 46 years old when on the way down to the Cake show, we heard that song "Signs," and for the first time in my life, I thought, "maybe he put up a fence to keep you out and to keep Mother Nature in because a bunch of GODDAMN HIPPIES KEPT COMING IN AND TRASHING THE PLACE" and also, "WAIT, THIS WHOLE SONG IS BECAUSE HE HAS TO WEAR A SHIRT???? FUCKING 1960S MILLENNIALS!""

I loved that song when I was 17 in 1984. By the time I was 19, I was considerably less impressed with the "hero" of that song. He figures the world owes him a job despite not being willing to meet them halfway, that he knows what God wants (and what God wants is for him to intrude on other people), that he should be allowed to get for free what other people pay for. And he probably grew up to be exactly the sort of Boomer the Millennials hate (and are themselves destined to become, for the same reasons).

Maybe that employer was an asshole, as was the guy who put up the fence, and so forth; but it does not follow that the Electrical Guy wasn't one too.

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So, what would happen if Ben Folds went on Chatroulette?


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