Kinda like how Republicans thought anyone could beat the Blah Mooslem Kenyan Usurper with the birth certificate. Long form.

Please clap.

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You forgot 'cousin-fucking'

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Today is World Bee Day.

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Subject to availability,.

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It is depressing being intelligent enough to see that half of the country is so stupid they want to become a combination kleptocracy and theocracy. Rebecca thinks fewer people are reading Wonkette due to depression.

I did have my house rented out briefly, however, the woman turned out to not be the sweet widow who rarely had visitors. When they turned the dining room into a spare bedroom and flooded the house twice in the first three weeks, I knew she wasn't going to last. I had REPEATEDLY told her the house was on a septic system, and would sleep no more than five people. I've got a couple coming to look next Tuesday, so I hope they turn out to be halfway normal.

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I will accept tiki torches if they are accompanied by a full Polynesian outfit. But no Nazis.

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I'm 100% certain that (as in a - ahem - previous year) a sizeable portion of the white dudes running for the Democratic nomination looked at the field and thought beating a field of wimmenfolk and non-white-or-straight dudes would be a dead cinch and that they'd be greeted as liberators.

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Any Eddie video gets an upfist, but the Lego version gets one extra fast.

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just got around to yesterday’s posts. Thank you for this. Shame him, blame him, hogtie him and drag him home. WhoTAF do they think they are to assume that a) Senate is not important or b) beneath them??? Any 0%er who would relinquish a Senate seat for a vanity project should be noped out from the jump.

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If more straight guys want to enter the race, fine. I mean, it's a bit ridiculous and I wonder why they even think they have a shot, but whatever, let 'em try. Most of them will be long gone pretty quickly.

The one thing I would demand is that the n-1 candidates who don't become the nominee, offer their full-throated and complete support to the nominee. I would further stipulate that, if any of the candidates don't do exactly that, they are human garbage, and anyone who still supports them in any of their subsequent endeavors is part of the problem.

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Its the No-Sex Bristols?

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Margaritas, I assume, are part of that package?

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Oh, my, that sounds like a truly dreadful renter experience. I think my sister and brother-in-law have income from renting out a house (they improved the place they first bought after marrying, and when they moved up, kept the old place and rented it; I think it paid the mortgage on the new place). Good luck with your next batch! Not all renters are terrible. :-)

I think Rebecca's right. It's impossible to avoid the brainless narcissist who's endangering humanity on a site that focuses on political news-and-snark (as well as dick jokes and recipes). And then there's the party of The Aristocrats, who seem determined to show that they can be more evil and vicious than, say, the Khmer Rouge. Sometimes you gotta walk away, play with the kitties, give yourself flowers, like that. I'm refinishing furniture again (I got a bunch of old pieces when friends moved into assisted living, but they all need some serious work).

It's also good to hook up with people here, though. I still remember the relief of finding this place, and a bunch of deeply progressive people with pungent senses of humor. Although prolly when the depression sets in that's also sort of a bad thing: after all, I can't be good enough to be welcome here, right?

Hugs to you. Has it gone summer there yet? We had a bout of winter (it was a mild winter, admittedly, but still, temps below forty overnight!) this past week, and then today it popped up above 85 in the afternoon. Good thing there's no climate change happening, huh?

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Furniture refinishing is something I enjoy, and wish I had more time for. I've been so far behind in my life that the yards at both houses look like they haven't been tended in years. I fixed the shed door today. Uggh...I need either more time, or more money to pay someone to fix stuff.

I don't think I told you but I went back to school, to be a math teacher, but the kids I'm going to school with are like "hey, you took all the calculus classes, why don't you go ahead and go to engineering school with us?" So I may be doing that. God, I'll be working till I drop dead.

I'm definitely as depressed as the next person, but since I live in redneck South Carolina, I HAVE to come here. I'm surrounded by idiots and it makes me feel better to know that there are sane people left in the world.

We had a couple of lovely days this week (low humidity!) and now we're back to 85 and humid, which is still better than the 99 degrees and humid which I know is just around the corner. Thank God the last 2 summers have been the hottest on record, since I'm sure we'll finally get a cool summer, since global warming is a hoax (ha ha).

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Seth Bullock's probably got the Deadwood vote locked up. I know he's dead but Trump's not exactly alive, is he?

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