Left church in the '60s. Congregation would purr while our activist rector preached in favor of civil rights, then convene at adult discussion group and defame him as 'n-lover' while he was away in Selma. That was all the Christianity I needed to see.

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Comprehensive, much-needed and appreciated, Robyn

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I always wondered what it was that evangelicals thought they were really getting out of Trump. I once heard or read a speech he gave to a big group of the RW big evangelical political assholes. The thing that struck me was him telling them he was going to help them get there "power" back. Pretty sure he talked about the Johnson A., also, too, which makes sense because that will increase their power. Of course, Jesus was always preaching about getting our power back, too.

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So, it's a War on Christmas yee be wantin'. (spitting on each of my raised dukes).

No longer a civil "And a Merry Christmas to you too, sir" for me. Now you're getting, "If I wanted to be part of a hokey religion, I'd be a Jedi."

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*sniff* my dad's favorite song.

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In Latin, the letter "a" means without. So the a-theists are w/o god. I'm good without it, and I don't want our government run by religious yobbos. Anti-theists are against god. Which means they believe in god.

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Heresy is my middle name!

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There are, of course, a lot of flaws in this repeal. I'll just start with one of the more ludicrous ones. A few years ago, as a goof, I signed up on the Official "Big Lebowski" website to become an ordained Dudeist Priest. It was free and I was legally allowed to officiate weddings after just filling out some basic information. I even have a certificate. The "church" is BS but the document is actually legal. Now there's no money to be made from any of this except in the even that I ask to get paid for officiating a wedding. I've done three and never charged.

So, this repeal goes through, that, in effect, puts me as a member of a fictional religion based on a fictional character from a fictional movie on the same footing as, say, The Catholic Church in this country. So I can make it a business, start turning a profit and, in effect, just enrich myself without performing any charitable or civic duty. I can openly advocate for specific candidates and ask that said candidates pay me for the endorsements and that doesn't violate the law anymore.

To the Christians cheering this idea on, it does, in effect, let the money-changer BACK into the Church and removes the veneer of "serving God before man" from giant church shaped begging boxes so they can become giant church-shaped political lobby's. In short, it makes it official that religion is no different than the Tobacco industry or "Big Pharma" (The "pray away the illness" crowd would HATE that one.) Don't get me wrong, I know that's what most churches already are. What this will do is just make it more clear that's what they are and lead to a decline in actual butts in the pews as well as less money in the collection plates.

Long live Dudeim!

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Not to be confused with the Satanic Temple! Who are mostly just pro-First Amendment trolls with good PR.

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The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster will welcome you with open noodely appendages.

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"I am writing this on the off chance that someone who doesn’t understand it might come across it!"

To assist in your project, I've printed this post, rolled it up, and smoked it like a blunt ... er, I mean, rolled it up, put it in a bottle, and tossed it in the ocean. Also, I put a copy in a time capsule set to open in the second century Anno Trumpomini.

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There's an argument the average Trumpanzee can understand. Your kid plays little league. You like little league. You give them money to buy uniforms and pizza after they win the big game. Without this rule, the people running the little league could take your money and donate to the Democratic candidate for mayor's campaign, because he promised to raise your taxes to improve the parks where the little league plays.

Your donation could be used to help elect Democrats who would then raise your taxes.

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With our luck, the only one who'll read it is Turgid Love Muscle.

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And you know what some churches like to do with new organs.

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Also too, as someone has to keep saying so I guess it might as well be me:

Religious liberals exist. And even though they probably mostly oppose this change (I sure do), if it goes through, they're gonna give religious conservatives a run for their money.

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