God, I wish my memory still worked! I was just reading something - maybe a movie review? - wherein the British referred to the States during the era of whatever it was as "the free fifteen" because 15 states at that point. Surprise they didn't call them the filthy fifteen.

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Well maybe soon she can start that divinity degree with two years of free community college. Good for you for talking to them about all this!

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"I'm that little girl."

I imagine Joe couldn't even hear her say that without realizing he had to talk to her more about that stuff and get her perspective.

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He doesn't have the warmth or the depth.

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Look closely at the closer photo. The bees had ther way with that flower some time ago. He gave her one she can spread around.

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I'm sure it hurt him to his core. But mensch that he is, he just kept smiling through.

I would have loved to be a fly on the wall for that conversation. Because you just KNOW that's when Mamala fell for him.

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Meanwhile, the local Left declared this speech "the most cucked and evil thing I've heard in a long time" because... apparently there's something bad about Iran and North Korea in there.

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yep, $$$$$$$$$

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Seriously? Jeez.

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I love how you can tell how wide Madam Speaker and Madam Vice President were grinning under those masks :)

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Or clap for himself like an orange seal.

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In every way we know how to be allies, we have to be as visible and loud as possible.

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Looks like y'all got a quarterback

The Falcons got a pass catching Gator 🐊🐊🐊🍑🍑🍑🍑👸

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Kyle Pitt is pretty amazing.

But he's still playing for the Dodos 🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃🐓

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You know you wish you were a Falcons fan - then you'd be surrounded by Georgia Peaches like me 😛🍑🍑🍑👗👙👠🍑👸

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