In this case, I guess, the bads are odd?

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And, since the the corporate media will never call him on his lies, there is little downside at this point. One hopes that it will bite him in the ass when the Obama campaign use his lies and flopping to get out the vote, and maybe to scare a few indies. Indies are suckers for sincerity, even sincere falsehoods (e.g, Reagan and W), but Rmoney doesn't do sincere very well.

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The problem for Mitt is he's just randomly yelling out things that he's done and throwing them at Obama, whereas Rove and his allies cultivated an entire Swift Boat organization and took the time to photoshop pictures of Kerry with Jane Fonda.

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Perhaps Mitt did not spend enough time in the school of hard knocks.

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But the trees in Michigan are pretty.____Romney is so out of touch with middle class reality yet I have some neighbors who believe he would be a great president given his supposed business acumen. They also have a collection of Ronny Raygun gnomes so I suspect they are biased.

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You mean to ask, "You know who else graduated with an MBA from Harvard?"

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