If he needs to say A, B and C to get the votes (from the particular audience in front of him), he says A, B and C. I don't think he pauses even for a second to think about which of these, if any, he actually believes.

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You! Get into the Quiet Room before saying that kind of thing.

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<blockquote>i'm brazilian, SUCK IT</blockquote>

This changes everything. I guess "kkkkkkkkk" is the sound of gagging?

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Might they have to use paper ballots instead of voting machines? Could buying those machines have been a bad investment for the Romneys?

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That's a series accusation.

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I wouldn't be surprised if Romney bet against coastal residents by buying up property inland, just like that Superman movie...waitaminute! Mitt Romney is Lex Luthor? Only not as bright.

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Sandy? Pfft...every hurricane should just be called Wendy.

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If hurricanes hit Utah as frequently as South Florida, I can guarantee you that Mormons would be known for their distilling skills, not priggishness.

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Nothing that an ice chest full of ice, a gallon of Tanqeuray, and several dozen limes can't handle.

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stay safe.

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i hope all of you in the path of this thing have unrestricted access to wonkette.

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Hey! It was 35 this morning up here north of Austin! It's 68 now and I've been in shorts and T-shirts most of the day though.

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Limbaugh was talking about this today. His base is the poorz in the cities so he might postpone it for a loooong time. As fatass noted Obama didn't have the Constitutional authority to implement Obamacare and give amnesty to all those meskin kids so what would stop him from moving the election till he has a better chance?

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I remember seeing a documentary on a hurricane hitting Florida. The guy filming it was a weather forecaster (and devout Christian, praying throughout his video) and he showed his toilet. The water was sucked out of it and the TOILET WAS HOWLING!

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we're actually getting enough (storm related) winds here in chi that they're closing lake front roads.

can't even imagine what it must be like there or how big this fucker is.

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<i>Hope it helps to warm your frigid toes after your power goes out for however many weeks and you get your Day After blizzard that eated the world.</i>

joss whedon predicted this.

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