Tonight, tonight... it's hard to resist a feeling of infinite sadness. We only come out at night. By starlight stumbling over the scorched earth. Saw the muzzle flash of that bullet with butterfly wings. Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage. Sometimes I wish I was back in 1979. Farewell and goodnight. May you soon be in the arms of sleep.

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I know that one probably healthy way to deal with the shock and the anger that is brought on by reading these stories is to respond with sarcasm. Reading the good snarky comments of others here helps (it really does), but as much as I wish I could, I just can't summon the ability myself to respond in like fashion when I read stories like these. I just feel very sad about them. No matter how much I read about how careless, irresponsible or complacent the gun owners were, all I think about are how much of a tragedy each one represents, not only for the victim(s) and the survivors, but for the gun owners and the policemen as well. I also think about what it must be like to be one of the witnesses, or to be a first responder to such incidents. I just feel sick, and there is no way to make that horror go away.Undoubtedly everyone else here feels the same way.

There isn't just one victim, or a handful of victims, or even a dozen or two victims when such incidents occur. There are 320 million victims in just this country alone, because these tragedies inflict real harm on all of us every single time they occur. If more Americans started acknowledging this then we might finally have the motivation to stand up to the gun lobby. We can't wait for our representatives to do it -- we have to do it first. One way to start is to frankly admit how much these incidents harm us, even those of us who are far removed from the immediate scene. And then we need to immediately turn that pain into action.

Tell the open carry absolutists and the NRA how much they hurt you. Tell them. Put the blame where it belongs. If that isn't enough, imagine that these individuals just personally shouted obscenities at your wife or husband, your parents, your brother or sister, your kids. Because they have.

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"I’m devastated and can only give glory to God for my son’s life being sparred (sic) ... We love God and we know that without his intervention we could have lost a loving and caring child.”

What a touching demonstration of God's love. I mean God obviously had it in for the kid, what with the father being a responsible gun owner(tm) who would never let something like that happen. Only God could have arranged for that totally locked-up gun to end up in the hands of a 4 year old. It was really great that God showed some restraint and only shot the child in the mouth instead of turning him into salt or cleaving him in two. We all love God but he does have some rage issues. I guess you just have to accept God, warts and all.

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Except it is NOT a "fucking toy". It is a replica gun. Read the box of one some time. You'll see the following words: WARNING: NOT A TOYINTENDED FOR AGES 18 AND UPJust because the parents apparently can't read and follow a warning clearly printed in multiple locations on both the box and the instructions and were irresponsible enough to give it to a child, it does NOT make it a toy.

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speaking of Ferguson- the shit is about to hit the fan, Grand Jury is about to announce.. I can't wait for the deluge of stupidity...

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He's funny like that

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Look again at Moses' improved text.

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Just don't buy it while black. Not even the toy ones.

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It seemed like a good idea at the time.

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EDIT: This was supposed to be a reply to calliecallie's "shovel ready".

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This is why we don't have Happy Nice-Time anymore.

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