reflectivity differentials between Bamz and his predecessors in office.

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Just wondering . . . what do libraries do with all this wingnut drivel? Does the Dewey Decimal system have a category for politically biased bullshit and lunacy, from the likes of deSouza, Coulter, Beck, and now this twunt?

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Weird a 25 year old woman would align herself with a faction dedicated to turning the clock back to 1925.

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It's not true that liberals have no war on women -- I has a personal war on Coulter, Malkin, Star Parker, and any other suck puppet the Lunatic Fringe foists on my editorial page.

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No, just on their keyboard, and printed the results.

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Do they really not see the difference between ridiculing or being outraged at a retard for being a retard, and ridiculing someone for their sex or race? Is use making fun of Herman Cain being a jackass the same to them as their photoshops of Obama done up as a witchdoctor? Really?

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The problem with wingnut welfare books is that their target audience are the same ones who decry libraries as socialism and circulated "banned books" lists like there's no tomorrow. Not the kind of people that drop $25 on a tome unless it's at gunpoint.

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Yes. You're judging her by looks which is how liberals carry out their war on women. Also by blaming Rush Limbaugh for what Rush Limbaugh said with his mouth.

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I assume no mention of how Rush's argument was also based on the false premise that the oral contraceptives discussed by Ms. Fluke were being taken per sexual encounter, which runs counter to how they actually are used? Or how Limbaugh was falsely stating the tax payers, rather than insurers and premium payers, were in most cases actually the ones involved in paying for the coverage? Because without that basic information, the argument falls apart even without pointing out that Fluke's testimony concerned contraceptive use to treat illness.

And he said those things because he's a giant ignorant shithead who says stuff without making sure it is true first and is basically a professional misogynist and racist (i.e. he shovels harmful misinformation and resentment for money), and is therefore neither a reliable source for analysis of policy or factual information.

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<i>Which means this entire book is likely 200 pages of Katie venting her usual conservative victimhood claptrap while completely missing the point of the whole “War on Women” meme</i>

“Ha ha, liberals are stoopid because they don’t parrot our braindead ideas and instead worry about actual problems with actual information”

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<i>Call us when Dinesh D’Souza adapts it into a documentary.</i>

I look forward to D'Souza's treatment of married men who have <a href="http:\/\/www.huffingtonpost.com\/2012\/10\/18\/dinesh-dsouza-resigns-kings-college_n_1980614.html" target="_blank">affairs</a> with married women. That's not just a war on women. That's a war on his wife.

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