I would pay $11 to see Escape From Supermax Colorado.

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Is this what dumbing down of standards feels like? Cuz I am feeling like the dorms at Gitmo are preferable to any prison in most states.

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There is a lot more sordidness to this story. Gawker had <a href="http:\/\/gawker.com\/the-story-of-one-prison-rape-in-an-inmates-own-words-510475353" target="_blank">this</a> on the East Mississippi Correctional Facility. Whenever you think things like "I Am a Fugitive From a Georgia Chain Gang" are from the past ... don't.

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Motel 5-10

We'll leave the light on for you®

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I'm naming mine Rafalca

I figure if I teach it to dance I can get a nice tax break- or at least early release

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just no Adam Sandler

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if you're white enough and rich enough the sane part is superfluous

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not much of a long term career though

after the second week you're back to Monster.com (braille edition)

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what we need here is some snake plissken

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<a href="http:\/\/th09.deviantart.net\/fs37\/PRE\/i\/2008\/281\/6\/f\/0802_2___14_01___Rat_Fink_by_TwistedMethodDan.jpg" target="_blank">excessive speeding</a>

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I'm hoping for an excellent severance package

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And they've been just as successful!

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Or he, himself, expects to be caught for something very soon.

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your dogs? is your last name Berkowitz?

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Don't worry Trailer, I got your Fawlty Towers reference!

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I'm sure they'll top it sooner or later.

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