You run across some weird shit on Usenet if you're that old. Seriously something for everybody on there.

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She is no lady.

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I think they have their own "Budweiser", which is nothing like the canned piss sold here.

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Who knew that anti-choice, pro-rape, woman-hatin' was a barely-losing, 49-51 proposition across the USA? It's disturbing as hell that things were this close.

We're moving the other way, I think, but we're lucky as hell that Obama came along when he did, or we'd be four years into a seriously fucked-up regression to the 1950s.

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I hope the Dems think long and hard about who to put up against him. If Obama is seriously thinking about Kerry, co-opting Brown into the administration first might be worth considering (assuming he's actually got some useful talent.) The guy is a Republican only by Massachusetts standards ... in Oklahoma he'd be run out of town for his commie sympathies.

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What would you pay to see Warren interviewed by Katie Couric? "I really <i>do</i> read all of them, Katie."

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He could yet appear on "Dancing with the Has-Beens".

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I would say adult movies, but LA just passed a law requiring condom usage by porn actors, and Scott's just not the sort to suit up.

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OT, but I found<a href="http:\/\/sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net\/hphotos-snc7\/400274_4382330035055_1746850079_n.jpg" target="_blank"> this, </a>just a day late.

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I think Pete Rose <a href="http:\/\/www.yourememberthat.com\/files\/2fccbef21861029b.jpg" target="_blank">pretty much put an end</a> to that job description.

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Don't mess with the schoolmarm/librarian types.

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...honestly, where the fu$kk does the GOP find these wing-tards?! There is a drunk homeless guy on the corner, who makes a habit of yelling about how his shadow is following him around because its racist, I honestly think he is more sane than some of the republican candidates!!!

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He might still be able to make some pretty good money with a webcam and a PayPal account.

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...yeah he can "go the f$kk away!"

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Schooled by the schoolmarm.

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