I'm gonna go with "stupid".

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Sure, but they will morph into respectability like some our leading families did. Right?

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ie, you have never struggled with addiction and so realize that you are not in a position to make claims about how hard or easy it is to beat it.

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Whatever you need to tell yourself dude.

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That's the thing though, the top people can't exist without support of everyone else. Implement a well run Marshall Plan (Actually going into infrastructure and training, rather than simply handed over to Mexican politicans) and then tell people to choose between serving their violent masters or overthrowing them and it would have a much better chance of success.

Withholding such a plan because there's no grassroots opposition becomes a catch 22 and effectively damns anyone unlucky enough to be born in Mexico. And that's about as humane as electing a Republican President.

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The Marshall Plan worked in Europe because the European governments were able to follow through. Mexico does not tax the wealthy to any appreciable degree. Government in Mexico is supported by the poor. The wealthy are satisfied with this arrangement because it keeps the government from interfering in the lives of the rich and powerful and gives the lower classes no choices except to work for whatever is offered, without benefits, or head for the U.S., where there is some hope, at least for their children. America cannot improve things in Mexico without any cooperation from the Mexican government, any more than we can improve anything in the Middle East until the Arabs themselves want to change their lives. Throwing money at Mexico won't work until the Mexican establishment gets behind the program.

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He found a prayer rug and went running home.

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Two hundred upfists for that! Yeah, they think we're dumb and only care about Bruce Willis films.

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What? We weren't even talking about Jawas, dude.

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Boobs! lotsa Boobs!

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He'd need an extra chair for his "friend".

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I thought Sean Hannity patrolled the Rio Grande once and scared the b-jesus outta them rapist murdering cantelope calves motherfuckers once and for all?

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Mr. Hurst gets a gold star for his description of right wing media. It should be the default descriptor in any discussion of Fox, Breitbart or Limbaugh style propaganda. "uninformed sycophantic ramblings ... meant to scare the shit out of people". Can't get clearer or more accurate than that.

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'Races' = 'pitbulls'? Really?

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TruckNutz on top? Then how'd they be swingin'? Gotta keep those puppies free from impediments.

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I hope Obama passes out the new legal weed with the Obamaphones and lobster for us poorz.

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