Mittens is the existence of his Bain.

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Romneybot lies just as much as Biff does. He just has a bigger vocabulary.

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I resemble that remark!

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The Praetorian Guards weren't above a little "Regieme Change" now and then

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or maybe editing the voting rolls.

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While I appreciate the sentiment, MM, I'm not listening to another iteration of Fuck Donald Trump. Thanks, but no thanks. I only listen to actual music.

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His hands are bigger. Too.Also.

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When mcconnell refused to move forward on Obamas supreme court pick he said the next one was going to be chosen by the people.What he meant was HE was going to make the choice.He and he alone is made up of 350 millions of people.Obama should have declared Marshall law while he had the chance.As dictators go, I could have lived with another 10 or so years of Obamas. He was a better choice than all the other republicans.

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I don't understand why those idiotic Sunday shows still exist.I'm 72 and I have never watched any of them, not even once.

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You have to believe it when it's a fact. This isn't science, where you can believe whatever horseshit you can make up.The earth is flat. Don't let anyone tell you differently.

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The sound of a gun firing causes me instant outrage and panic.It makes me want to pull mine out and start shooting people indiscriminately.

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You know they want to and its killing them that they can't but for all the wrong reasons.

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You know, the French get a lot of flack for being picky about their language but I think the Italians are worse. My Italian is a bit sketchy but competent enough to, say, order a small gelato. I try, and I get a dirty look and an answer in English.

C'mon, y'all, I'm trying!

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I have never found that. I get encouragement everywhere, and have found Italians really friendly about me mangling their language.

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They'd be up in her Summer's Eve and we know it.

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Ah well. Maybe it was just that one gelato guy. They did have a long line.

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