You asked about a "technical" change. There wasn't one needed, from what I've read. The GOP wants to change THE FUNDING SYSTEM, which is not a "minor technical" change.

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Gracias, MM. Motherfucker, indeed.

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Republicans are lying because they know Fox and the rest of the rightwing entertainment complex will give them cover while the so-called “liberal media” is too cowed to call out their lies.

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You people have no idea how happy it will make me to have Fetterman replace this asshat in the Senate. Toomey doesn’t get much attention in the Senate because he’s not a bomb thrower and he acts reasonably on some issues like guns. But he’s a Club for Growth douche who thinks the main purpose of government is to enrich people like the Kochs and the Mercers.

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First, this video I had not seen before. It's different from the ones in the article and clips on twitter I have seen, in which I do not recall that he talked about the specific changes.

Second, while it's true that at 1 min he finally says what was removed, earlier at :35 he says, "Not one word has been added to that bill," which is technically true since they removed words, but still makes it sound as if the bill is entirely unchanged, which it is not. My argument is that it sounds like they're saying, "WE DIDN'T CHANGE ANYTHING! ... ok, we changed this, but... WE DIDN'T CHANGE ANYTHING!"

So thank you for this info and not making me go wade through the bill as Stewart suggests (which most Fox viewers will certainly not do either) to find out how it's different. But I still maintain that this info should preface any comment about "nothing in the bill is different" talking points. It's clearer, sounds more honest (not that they're being dishonest, but upfront is a good look and it also emphasizes how trivial the single change was before attacking the lies), clarifies the situation, and makes the argument that the Repoops are full of it just that much more evident and persuasive.

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On Jerry Garcia's birthday, no less!

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Cannon fodder; nothing more.

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GQP: There's just ONE THING we need before we approve the bill.Dems: *Do the thing*GQP: Haha, no. We were never gonna do anything but block you.

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Too full of toxins.

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Thank you, Michael.

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What is with the fucking Diet Dr. Pepper? Is that now a secret assmouth signaling device?!? Not that I have ever intentionally drunk it, but I sure as hell wouldn’t NOW. Unless Dr. Pepper made an aggressive campaign to say “We have no link to these shitstains.”

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As someone exposed to burn pits, who has (fortunately) not (yet) had any symptoms, I can say with all due respect, “Fuck Sen. Toomey.”

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This is pointless if you're not going to follow the discussion from the beginning and read what I initially was asking about, which was NOT what the Rs are up to. I fully understand what those fuckers are trying to do and why. My actual question has been answered, more than once now, which you also seem to be ignoring to score some sort of points on me, for reasons I can't begin to fathom. So argue amongst yourself if you like. I'm done.

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How do white republicans bask in the glory of "Shock and Awe" and turn their backs on the dead and "Wounded Warriors"?

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I am in the exact situation. But I have seen others I served with have symptoms and battle illness, so it hits close that it COULD BE me and IT HAS BEEN my friends.

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Because removal (subtraction) is not the same as insertion (addition). Don't be pedantic when the bill is 99.9% the same and NOTHING WAS ADDED, which is what Republicans are trying to claim.

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