that's the one. it says it all, don't it?

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shouldn't that be anthony weiner? oh wait, he IS a dick joke. sorry, my bad.

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“Sadly, the establishment has won this battle by spending untold millions to call me liberal, dangerous, and weak,”

I live in Arizona, and have been pelted with ads nonstop pretty much doing exactly that to Ward, who is a Teabagger lunatic who seriously wanted the AZ lege to investigate chemtrails. She's right. The establish-cough "Koch Suckers" cough-ment DID spend an inordinate amount of money doing exactly what she said.

They're gonna turn right around and spend the same doing just that to Anne Kirkpatrick the Blue Dog.

Sigh. Some day I'll get to vote for a Democrat from the near-mythical Paul Wellstone "Democratic wing" of the party...Can't vote for Raul Grijalva, I'm not in his district. Best I can do is maintain a bushy mustache in his honor.

¡Grijalva! http://retired.talkingpoint...

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FFS Canova stop acting like a dick. I sent you money. Just get DWS next time.

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Miss Manners is not dead! (although the Donald Trump campaign is probably slowly killing her)

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I like what Canova said. It was the best line in the whole article. Fuck DWS. Yes, we need more D votes in the House, but we sure as hell don't need that.

It feels a bit strange to be reading Wonkette articles complaining about liberals being too feisty. Did I miss the announcement for "Opposite Day" again?

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Shortly before midnight Tuesday, Canova told reporters that “I’ll concede that Debbie Wasserman Schultz is a corporate stooge.”

Isn't she though?

Um...I mean "oh, how mean of him to say that. That is...do bad of him. Yeah, tsk...er...tsk."

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Hmmm. This seems like it's just the nature of politicking in a volitile climate these days. For instead, remember when Wonkette did a spotlight on the relative civility of the Van Hollen/Edwards race? I dunno if you kept up with that contest, but it didn't remain on such good terms after all, and Donna Edwards wasn't all that gracious about losing. In addition, Loretta Sanchez already bringing forth cries of "racial bias" to prepare for her probable defeat. And Alan Grayson's wife is basically following his cue for rationalization.

Honestly, we probly need to hunker down and steel ourselves because this is probably become the way of things going foward. The hyper-combativeness nature of debate in general has increased and I suspect will get worse well beyondvthis campaign season. This is a climate that can get into eye-gouging brawl over who can win in a fight: Thor or Superman (Superman). How much more intense will it be when dealing with "important issues" especially when we've been repeatedly told there is So Much At Stake.

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At least as far as payday loan places are concerned, the CFPB has instituted no regulations whatsoever in their five years of existence. And yet people still have it in their heads that the CFPB will take care of this, to the point that they're actively hostile to HR 4018.

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Well, Arizona banned payday lenders nearly 10 years ago. Do a search for 'payday lender Arizona' to see how that worked out

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As in, they're coming back? HR 4018 doesn't propose to abolish payday loans, just rein them in so that they aren't predatory: max loan amount is $500, total profit on a loan is capped at 10% of the original loan amount, 60 day grace period on paying the loan back. (The CFPB has also floated proposals that appear to copy / paste from HR 4018, again not to abolish payday loans, just keep them from being harmful.)

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Bullshit. Nobody can lend at those rates. Nobody lends to the military with the 36% cap. What happened in Arizona is that payday loans were replaced with even more dangerous products

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I forgot they are required to do everything possible for all people and their pet issues everywhere and if they don't, they are useless.

Not a fan of pay day lending but freakonimics had some interesting studies of the practice and they aren't as black and white evil as you might think.

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I also have no problem with any regulation reining them in and I don't care if it's the cfpb or congress that does it.

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Domestic violencing tax haven exploiting hedge fund manager is questioning whose progressive purity, now?

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It's hardly a "pet issue" that payday loan places notoriously bleed the people who can least afford it. That the CFPB has done such a piss-poor job being on top of this is a travesty.

That said, I recognize the value of loans better than most Lefties do. Yer average idiot Leftie thinks banks are evil, pretty literally, but never bothers to question how their parents bought a house or how businesses get enough money to start. The trick is not letting loan institutions impoverish the people they are loaning money to, and it's appalling that the CFPB didn't have at least some palliative partial steps ready years ago.

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