The latter, truly, is a rock-bottom indignity.

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oh good god not baconz! many condolences.

and stay drunk my friend.

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Re: Republicans vs. Elizabeth Warren:

"You two are basically of the same mindset. Why do they get along with you and why do they loathe her?"

Duh, Woman?

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Hard-assed prosecutor prosecuted how many?

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"It’s a very Greenspanian idea that they’d police their own fraud and loss of reputation."

Yeah, <a href="http:\/\/www.huffingtonpost.com\/2012\/08\/06\/standard-chartered-bank-iran_n_1748652.html" target="_blank">that's worked out well. </a> I mean, <a href="http:\/\/www.businessinsider.com\/hsbc-money-laundering-report-2012-7" target="_blank">really well. </a>

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