Gee, now why would these guys rally 'round such unpopular ideas? Maybe on accounta they're not really concerned about your so-called "popular opinion??" Maybe cuz they have a Bigger Agenda?? Maybe because these people want to establish an American Theocracy, and fuck all y'all?? Could be. We gotta stop it.

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Yes, they enraged me for doing that, and I was a Bernie supporter at the time

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If, like Pence, you profess to believe that abortion is murder, how is not murder before 15 weeks?

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correct misprint

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Yes there are. Those two came to mind quickly as I have experience with both of them.

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When I was 18 & had a pregnancy scare, I went to a crisis pregnancy center for a test. I didn't know anything about them except that I could get a free pregnancy test. Thankfully it came back negative, but I still remember how I was subjected to a video full of puritanical brainwash & entreaties from employees there not to consider abortion. It only solidified my belief that it's no one's fucking business other than the people directly involved why anyone wants an abortion.

My daughters are young adults now, & it sickens & enrages me that they have fewer rights than I did. Hell, guns & zygotes have more rights these days.

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VOTE. That is all.

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Only those potentially eligible to vote for a candidate or initiative can contribute.

Money isn’t speech.

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Joe the Plumber works at the Jeep factor in Toledo, Ohio and is a proud member of the United Auto Workers.

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Every drop of gall is sacred.

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And, of course, there was always duck and cover. Not as traumatizing as an active shooter drill, but we were most definitely aware that we could be snuffed out in the blink of an eye.

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It also can give people a sense of comfort. Don't they always mention on shows the first step is acknowledging a higher power exists?

Both the pandemic and after the queen died showed me there was a whole load of people who needed to be told right from wrong and needed the guidance.

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It seems to be thou shalt not kill from the 10 comandments. Along with a view of god is all about life and made everything so its against him to kill. I mean I hate to break it to them how wrong they are. God does a lot of smiting plus miscarriages are common. That's why they put so much on fetal heartbeat and detecting it.

Lets be honest where do you stop? trees are alive so's vegtables and animals. I guess most of them eat bbq.

I know some Roman Catholics's are mad because they (wrongly) put original sin on Eve and so will save a child if there's a choice between a baby and mother because they believe babies have less sin or some crap.

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According to both Talmudic and Old Testament law, life begins at first breath after live birth at full term

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As i suggest, people can make a tax deductible contribution to a general election fund, but not contribute to a specific candidate

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